Burkina Faso's national health financing strategy was submitted to the Council of Ministers last year, but the latter asked that it be reintroduced with an implementation plan. To this end, the new Minister of Health has set up an Editorial Committee. Funded by the...
SNFS: final draft by the Editorial Committee before open discussion
In this first week of October 2018, a final version of the SNFS was handed over to its hierarchy by the Editorial Committee. We are sharing this document, the operationalization plan, WHO comments on both, a summary of the Committee's work and the ToR for the...
Diagnosis of the health financing system in Comoros_2018
This document is a comprehensive analysis of the financing system. it was carried out by a WHO mission in May 2018. A reform of the healthcare financing system can be achieved on the basis of the stated political will to set up Universal Health Coverage and, more...
Comoros National Health Financing Strategy
The National Health Financing Strategy defines the guidelines for arranging and directing financial flows devoted to health care so that they contribute to access to care, availability of care and protection against financial risk for all. The national health...
Beyond Legal Coverage: Assessing the Performance of Social Health Protection
Short Abstract: Social health protection (SHP) is a primary objective of achieving universal health coverage; however, the challenge that remains is defining a comprehensive measurement of SHP performance. This article proposes a more innovative mechanism for...
A Political Economy Model Of Health
Short Abstract Interest group politics is known to have growing influence on the health policy-making process. This paper utilizes a political economy model to examine how the organization of industry can shape insurance coverage and public involvement in the...
Findings Resource Mapping FY 2017/2018: Malawi’s health financing mainly comes from external sources and is highly fragmented
Malawi’s health sector programs are financed and implemented by hundreds of organizations. In the past, the Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP) has found it challenging to track and coordinate the activities of all partners. To address this challenge, and in the...
Operational Review of the Cambodian National Social Security Fund: recommendations for institutional reforms (ILO, 2017)
This report reviews the operations of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) of Cambodia in order to assess its current capacities and institutional constraints as it continues to grow. This is done in the context of the launch of the National Social Protection...
The Phnom Penh Post: NSSF signs MoU to gain experience from the Philippines
The Phnom Penh post, 11 September 2018: " The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on Monday with The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) to transfer knowhow and foster the growth of NSSF officers. " Read...
Joint meeting between the Social Assistance Group and P4HC+
On August 20th P4HC+ joint the Social Assistance Group’s meeting to take stock of respective activities and exchange updates. The opportunity was also taken to have Robert Kolesar of Health Policy Plus (HP+) present his work-in-progress on a Monitoring and Evaluation...
1.2. Konrad Obermann_WHO_KAZ_EuropeanExperience_v2 ENG – 19 June 2018
1.7. Michael Adelhardt_GIZ – Health_Coverage_Informal_Workers_Astana 19 June 2018
2.2. Vitaly Koykov – Evidence–informed policy making in health financing – lessons from the WHO project EVIPNet in Kazakhstan – 20 June 2018
2.11. Israel Pargas Joint Learning Network – JLN Presentation – 20 June 2018
P4HC+ and Social Assistane Development Partners: Joint Meeting
Agenda to be provided. Event Time : 20 Aug 2018 12:00 pm to 20 Aug 2018 2:00 pmTimezone: UTC+07:00Event is Conference : No