Forum CSU – Summary report – VF
Forum CSU – Summary report – VF
Forum CSU – Policy Brief – VF
CMR Architecture Technical Note CSU
Mission report Benin 2016
Population health : A high-level summit scheduled for July 17 in Ouagadougou
From July 17 to 19, 2017 in Ouagadougou, a high-level meeting on adequate health financing, the demographic dividend and population and development policies in the ECOWAS space, Mauritania and Chad will be held in Burkina. According to a press release sent to...
CSU Architecture validation workshop
Design of the UHC Architecture Activity Report
Cotonou, 16 Avril 2015 : dernière concertation nationale avant finalisation de la SNFS-CU
Le 5ème rencontre technique du SGTT-RAMU pour l'élaboration de la SNFS-CU au Bénin s'est tenue du 6 au 9 Avril 2015. Ainsi et sur la base de l'ensemble des travaux réalisés entre Décembre 2013 et Avril 2015, la dernière concertation pour la finalisation du document de...
Presentation of Benin’s national health financing strategy – December 10, 2013
Nearly 300 participants (200 Beninese from all the sectors concerned, 50 representatives of 12 national delegations from other French-speaking countries in Africa and numerous representatives of development partners who are members of the P4H network) attended the...
Exchanges between national players and the P4H network – December 11, 2013
On the occasion of the extraordinary meeting of the P4H network Steering Committee on December 11, a discussion session on the content of the national health financing strategy is organized in the afternoon. See the report below....
Mission de suivi du réseau P4H – Décembre 2012
Based on the recommendations of the joint P4H scoping mission (See below), a P4H follow-up mission in Benin consults with key national stakeholders to: determine the amount of progress that has been made on RAMU; monitor with P4H members the implementation of the...
The French Ministry of Health requests the support of the P4H network – October 2011
Benin's Ministry of Health calls on the P4H network for support in implementing UHIP. More specifically, the network is asked to give its opinion on the architecture, technical and financial feasibility and proposed roadmap for implementing UHIP. Recommendations,...
National workshop on setting up AMU and social mutuals
From September 12 to 14, 2013, a national workshop was held in Ouagadougou on the implementation of AMU and social mutuals. The objectives were to produce a synthesis of regional and sectoral consultations, to reach a national consensus on the main strategic and...