Please find below a link to an article about the Leadership for UHC High Level Policy Dialogue event, which took place in Chisamba in Feb 2016 (see also Intranet entry from 19.02.16) ------- A multi-sectoral, high-level group – drawn from across government, the...
MoH approves HF Strategy – April 2016
Top management of the Ugandan Ministry of Health gave their approval to the Health Financing Strategy, which has been developed with support from P4H members over the past few years. Next steps include its dissemination within and outside the government, and to...
Interministerial Steering Committee approves the Draft Health Financing Strategy
The Inter-ministerial Steering Committee guiding the development of Tanzania's Health Financing Strategy was reported by the chair of the Health Financing Technical Working Group to have met for the last time on Friday 4th December 2015. It approved the overall...
JAHSR techncial meeting Tanzania – Health Financing Priorities to be presented to Policy Meeting
During this year's joint annual health sector technical review meeting, the following health financing priorities were highlighted to be presented at the planned policy review meeting on the 8th of December 2015: Ministry of Health (Senior Management and particularly...
Setting up the process to operationalize the national CSU strategy
Consultants made available by WHO and Swiss Cooperation / GIZ as part of the P4H network are helping the government to prepare the regulations and job descriptions for the newly-created Interministerial Coordination Unit (CIC-CSU)....
The first version of the national CSU strategy is now available
Following the fourth mission of the P4H network's international consultant, a first version of the CSU strategy is now available and is beginning to circulate beyond the technical committee responsible for drawing it up....