GIZ/P4H visit – support to HFS implementation plan and P4H+ meeting
Background: Visit of Roland Panea (part of P4H Team in GIZ Head Office) providing technical support to the MoHFW's efforts to develop an implementation plan for the HFS. Agenda - proposed topics for discussion as part of the overall HFS: Taylor-made capacity...
Draft implementation plan
WHO/Dodo Banzon shares the draft implementation plan and presentation of the Bangladesh Health Care Financing Strategy to be presented to the Health Financing Resource Task Group (HFRTG) chaired by Secretary of Health on May 13 at 4 pm. After the meeting, the plan...
Health Financing Resource Group (HFRG) meeting – Apr 2013
See minutes of meeting and participants list.
Adoption of the CMU strategic development plan 2013-2017 – March 2013
The Ministry of Health adopts its new strategic plan for the development of universal health coverage 2013-2017.
Developing an Investment Plan for the Health Care Financing Strategy
Having approved the Health Care Financing Strategy (HCFS), the Health Economics Unit (HEU) of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) is working towards the implementation. The next step will be the development of an Investment Plan (IP) that lays out the...
Approval of the Health Care Financing Strategy -/10/2012
Following an intense one-year development process, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) approves the Health Care Financing Strategy (HCFS) 2012-2032, 'Expanding Social Protection for Health: Towards Universal Coverage'. The Health Economics Unit of the...
The Ministry of Public Health and Population of Yemen asks for support from the P4H Network
National health financing policy in Eritrea: a survey of preliminary considerations
The peer-reviewed study aimed to gather preliminary insights into the preferred components of the National Health Financing Policy (NHFP), such as its vision, objectives, and mechanisms for revenue collection and provider payments. Key findings highlight support for...
Analysis of benefit incidence – March 2012
The Nepal Health Sector Support Programme (NHSSP) is currently analysing the data from the National Living Standard Survey and other sources to estimate the monetary value of services (benefits) received, broken down by different wealth quintile, ethnic group,...
Development Policy Options meeting in Nay Pyi Taw – Feb 2012
The first Development Policy Options meeting in Nay Pyi Taw (February 2012) unanimously placed poverty reduction as a key objective of Myanmar’s new development agenda, with health and education at the centre of the effort. Further, there was unanimous commitment to...
Health Financing Resource Group (HFRG) Meeting – Nov 2012
The HFRG meeting was chaired by the Secretary of health. Presentation of the health care financing strategy workshop and roadmap by the Joint Chief of the HEU, and agreement on the next steps, e.g. to hire a lead consultant to provide support to the the working...
Health financing background paper completed – November 2011
WHO contributes a background paper providing a situation analysis of the health financing system in Nepal to the Technical Working Group (TWG), incorporating inputs from P4H network partners and other relevant stakeholders (see report for details)....
Vision, goals and objectives of the new health financing strategy
The MoHFW Health Economics Unit (HEU) has prepared a first draft of the vision, goals and objectives of the health financing strategy for further discussion. Vision, Goal & objectives of HCF Strategy_25Oct2011
Social Protection Conference in Bangladesh
The Government: resolves to have a comprehensive Social Protection Strategy finalized and ready to launch preferably by September 2012; and calls on Development Partners and Civil Society to contribute to the process of developing the social protection strategy and in...