From February 12 to 14, 2024, the Economic Community of East African States organized a high-level national dialogue on health financing in Bujumbura. This dialogue mobilized stakeholders around the theme: "Increasing public resources for health financing in...
Guinea’s national health development plan
Guinea has a National Health Policy based on primary health care and health system strengthening, aimed at universal access to essential health care and services.Implementation of the PNDS 2015-2024 will focus on a sectoral approach at all levels of the national...
Decree setting up the CSU steering committee in Burundi
In February 2024, the Ministry of Public Health organized a dialogue on financing the healthcare system from internal resources. This dialogue recommended the creation of a Steering Committee to monitor the process of setting up Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in...
Strategic plan for the implementation of togo’s national health services quality improvement policy 2020-2022
In order to reinforce the progressive implementation of Universal Health Coverage, Togo has adopted the present strategic plan, which focuses on five main points: improving governance and leadership in the sector, to lay the regulatory foundations for quality health...
National health financing strategy for CSU Burkina Faso
This strategy document is intended to be a reference tool for the government and technical and financial partners, enabling them to coordinate the various interventions in the field of health financing.The vision of the National Health Financing Strategy (SNFS) for...
A new WHO report explores financial protection of people in Tajikistan
This four-page summary report from WHO gives a snapshot of financial protection in Tajikistan. It provides facts and figures indicating a high burden from financial hardship when people in Tajikistan use health services and pay out of pocket. The document,...
ILO launches “Building social protection foundations for all” project in Burkina Faso
The project "Building Social Protection Floors for All: ILO global flagship program in Burkina Faso" was launched on August 28, 2023 in Ouagadougou by Bassolma Bazié, Minister in charge of Social Protection, in the presence of Frédéric Lapeyre, Director of the ILO...
Financing investment in the healthcare sector
The Haut conseil pour l'avenir de l'Assurance maladie (Hcaam) assesses the state of France's healthcare sector and presents its recommendations.Last November, the Hcaam published five documents to shed light on the mechanisms of healthcare investment and its...
Latvia aims to improve people’s access to medicines and reduce out-of-pocket spending
As reported by WHO-Europe, Latvia has issued a roadmap to guide the implementation of new laws that will improve people's access to medicines. Proposed changes will be implemented this year and will aim for a 15–20% reduction in people’s out-of-pocket expenses for...
Quality of maternal and newborn care in Niger
In Niger, improving the supply, quality and demand for healthcare services is the second strategic focus of the 2017-2021 Health Development Plan. The purpose of this document is to inform users in general, and authorities in particular, in order to help them make...
Reflections and actions for an FCS 2.0 in Niger
The document, drawn up by Jean François CAREMEL, P4H-CFP in Niger, was prompted by a request from the Secretary General of the Ministry of Health, in the context of the decision to refocus the Fonds Commun Santé on fungible funds: "To develop an analysis to feed into...
Challenges to financing universal health coverage discussed at the 154 WHO EB Meeting
WHO executive board discusses challenges to Universal Health Coverage (UHC), including financial constraints and healthcare worker shortages. Article examines member states' concerns and WHO strategies to address these issues. In its report to the board, the WHO...
Developing the Lebanese health economic evaluation guideline
The Lebanese Health Economic Evaluation Guideline (LEEG) development followed WHO guidelines, involving expert groups, evidence retrieval, surveys, workshops, and international consultation. The transparent process ensures relevance for national healthcare...
National social protection policy in Niger
The Government's adoption of the National Social Protection Policy reflects its desire and commitment to promote a new form of governance that encourages public authorities to accept and assume full responsibility for providing more extensive social protection...
Decree on the Statute of the National Institute for Medical Assistance in Niger
The second decree, adopted by the Council of Ministers on June 12, approves the status of the Institut national d'assistance médicale (INAM). The Institute is under the technical supervision of the Ministry of Health and the financial supervision of the Ministry of...