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Policy dialogue Archives - Page 8 of 155 - P4H Network
769 results
Financing investment in the healthcare sector
Financing investment in the healthcare sector

The Haut conseil pour l'avenir de l'Assurance maladie (Hcaam) assesses the state of France's healthcare sector and presents its recommendations.Last November, the Hcaam published five documents to shed light on the mechanisms of healthcare investment and its...

Quality of maternal and newborn care in Niger

In Niger, improving the supply, quality and demand for healthcare services is the second strategic focus of the 2017-2021 Health Development Plan. The purpose of this document is to inform users in general, and authorities in particular, in order to help them make...

Reflections and actions for an FCS 2.0 in Niger

The document, drawn up by Jean François CAREMEL, P4H-CFP in Niger, was prompted by a request from the Secretary General of the Ministry of Health, in the context of the decision to refocus the Fonds Commun Santé on fungible funds: "To develop an analysis to feed into...

Developing the Lebanese health economic evaluation guideline

The Lebanese Health Economic Evaluation Guideline (LEEG) development followed WHO guidelines, involving expert groups, evidence retrieval, surveys, workshops, and international consultation. The transparent process ensures relevance for national healthcare...

National social protection policy in Niger

The Government's adoption of the National Social Protection Policy reflects its desire and commitment to promote a new form of governance that encourages public authorities to accept and assume full responsibility for providing more extensive social protection...

Guide to monitoring and evaluating the SSDP in Niger 2022-2026

Ce cadre est un outil conçu pour rassembler les différents éléments nécessaires à l'évaluation des progrès réalisés dans la mise en œuvre du plan de développement sanitaire et social (PDSS) 2022-2026, sur la base d'indicateurs clés sélectionnés et clairement...

Niger Health and Social Development Plan 2022-2026

Le cadrage financier du PDSS 2022-2026 a été basé sur des données programmatiques, à l'aide de l'outil de budgétisation One Health. Le scénario moyen quantifie un budget prévisionnel pour le PDSS 2022-2026 de 1 513 063 866 310 francs CFA, soit environ 2 521 773 110...

National Strategy for Universal Health Coverage in Niger 2021-2030

L'objectif global de la stratégie CSU est d'améliorer l'accessibilité financière à des soins et services de santé de qualité par le biais d'un certain nombre de mécanismes de protection contre le risque de maladie. Pour atteindre son objectif général, la stratégie...

Annuaire des statistiques sanitaires du Niger-2021

L'annuaire des statistiques représente le document national de référence de partage des satistiques sanitaires au Niger. Il compile les données de routine des différents niveaux du système de santé (Publiques et privées) ainsi que les données de campagne de masse....

Ministerial decree on health theme groups in Guinea

As part of the implementation of the National Health Development Plan, eight (08) thematic groups have been set up, with their terms of reference and composition set out in a ministerial order to be issued in March 2019.

Policy Brief: Mobilizing resources for NCD prevention in Senegal

In Senegal, 61% of deaths from non-communicable diseases will occur prematurely between the ages of 30 and 69 in 2019. The management of NCDs is included in the National Health and Social Development Plan 2019-2028 and in the National Health Financing Strategy to move...

Workshop celebrating Universal Health Coverage Day 2023
Workshop celebrating Universal Health Coverage Day 2023

On 21 December 2023, a workshop celebrating Universal Health Coverage Day 2023 was held at Hotel Cambodiana, Phnom Penh. This workshop aimed to raise awareness of UHC 2030 among key stakeholders in Cambodia.The workshop was held by Khmer HIV/AIDS Activists NGO...