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Political economy & leadership Archives - Page 8 of 50 - P4H Network
247 results
BURUNDI: TFP-Government collaborative process
BURUNDI: TFP-Government collaborative process

The implementation of public health programs and policies in Burundi is supported by development partners, and this support represents the country's primary source of health funding. This collaboration slackened with the difficult socio-political situation of 2015. In...

Burkina Faso-tobacco consumption: ACONTA sounds the alarm
Burkina Faso-tobacco consumption: ACONTA sounds the alarm
Burkina Faso

Afrique contre le tabac (ACONTA) launched the report on the tobacco industry's interference index in Burkina Faso. It was on Monday, October 25, 2021 in Ouagadougou, in the presence of several institutions partners in the fight against this public health phenomenon,...

Rwanda: Health financing strategic plan (2018-2024)

This document complements the 2018-2024 Health sector strategic plan, focussing on health financing. Health financing is a core function of health systems that can enable progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) by improving effective service coverage by...

Rwanda fourth health sector strategic plan (2018-2024)

The Rwanda fourth health sector strategic plan (HSSP IV) is the guiding document outlining national strategic directions to improve health standards of Rwandans between 2018-2024. Its content reflects a comprehensive analysis of the Rwanda’s health sector progress and...

New documents available on Rwanda country page
New documents available on Rwanda country page

Three new documents have been posted on the document section of the Rwanda page. They include two government documents which are the fourth heath sector strategic plan and the health financing strategy as well as one peer reviewed article on the financial...

Malawi : Stakeholders call for taxes to support health services
Malawi : Stakeholders call for taxes to support health services

In June, 2021 stakeholders in the health sector engaged the parliamentary committee on health to lobby for more funding to the sector to ensure that health facilities are equipped with adequate drugs and other medical items, personnel and infrastructure. The Malawi...

Côte d’Ivoire-Cancer: 20 billion to facilitate patient care
Côte d’Ivoire-Cancer: 20 billion to facilitate patient care
Côte d’Ivoire

(...) over the next 5 years, 20 billion Fcfa will be invested " to provide access to treatment for cancer patients.  The Ivorian Minister of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Health Coverage, Pierre Dimba, at the launch of the 2021 edition of Octobre...

Enhancing the competitiveness of the health sector in Jordan

The paper aims to identify and elaborate on the main challenges facing the private sector’s participation in the Health Sector in Jordan, in wake of the COVID 19 pandemic. It entails an exploration of the structure, governance and finance of the Kingdom’s Healthcare...

NIGER-ENABEL: Contribution to the national CMU strategy
NIGER-ENABEL: Contribution to the national CMU strategy

As part of the definition of the health component of the Niger-Belgium 2022-2026 cooperation program, a workshop was held from September 08 to 10, 2021, which clarified ENABEL's support for the national Universal Health Coverage strategy as part of the implementation...