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Political economy & leadership Archives - Page 9 of 50 - P4H Network
247 results
Health financing progress matrix (HFPM) validation workshop

The Ministry of Health with the support of WHO and other partners is conducting a Health Financing Progress Matrix validation workshop. The purpose of the workshop is to validate and update the preliminary results from an assessment of Ethiopia's health...

Document on advocacy for UHC available on the digital platform
Document on advocacy for UHC available on the digital platform

Despite strong global commitment to achieve universal health coverage (UHC), inconsistent understanding and communication about UHC hinders progress. Experience suggests that advocating for and communicating about UHC requires deliberate, tailored, context-specific...

P4H Political Economy Tool

The P4H Network has taken initiative to develop a Political Economy Tool (PET) aimed at supporting a structured political economy approach to understanding their country specific political situations and windows of opportunities for enhanced partnerships.The PET...

Analysis of the political economy of the CSU in Burkina Faso
Analysis of the political economy of the CSU in Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso

RESADE (Recherche pour la Santé et le Développement) organized a workshop this Thursday, April 22, 2021, in Ouagadougou, to present the results of the study entitled " Economie politique de la couverture sanitaire universelle au Burkina Faso : points de vue...