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Pooling Archives - P4H Network
329 results
Policy Note on the Liberia Health Equity Fund (LHEF)

The policy note provides a comprehensive analysis of Liberia's health financing landscape, focusing on the proposed Liberia Health Equity Fund (LHEF). Despite progress in health service delivery, Liberia faces significant challenges in achieving Universal Health...

Decree creating UAGCP-Guinea

The Government of the Republic of Guinea and donors, including Gavi, the Global Fund and the World Bank, have agreed on the need to set up a Program Management and Coordination Support Unit (UAGCP) within the Ministry of Health (MOH). The aim is to improve financial...

Health Financing Progress Matrix Assessment 2023: Summary of findings

This report provides a concise summary of the Health Financing Progress Matrix (HFPM) assessment for Mauritius, highlighting key strengths and weaknesses in the country's health financing system. It identifies priority areas that need to be addressed to advance...

Bujumbura International Mutualist Conference: February 3-4, 2025
Bujumbura International Mutualist Conference: February 3-4, 2025

The Bujumbura International Mutualist Conference will be held on February 3 and 4, 2025. A number of experts will be meeting to discuss the theme: "Objective of universal health and social protection in Africa - Relying on mutuals as key players in the social and...

Unified Health System

The Unified Health System was established in the Federal Constitution of 1988 to provide universal access to the public health system in Brazil.Brazil's Unified Health System (SUS) is one of the largest and most complex public health systems in the world. It covers...

Medicare and Medicaid
United States of America

Medicare and Medicaid social security amendments were passed in 1965.  This legislation is the foundation for the two health insurance programs which respectively cover persons over the age of 65 years and people with limited income.

National Health Fund

The National Health Fund was created by Decree No. 64,867 of July 24, 1969, to be the financial administrator of the resources destined to the Unified Health System.The National Health Fund is the financial administrator of the resources destined to finance the...

Review of defragmentation of publicly subsidized health insurance schemes
India, Turkey, Indonesia, China, Thailand, Republic of Moldova, Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of)

This document provides a review of efforts undertaken in four Indian states and several countries on the defragmentation of their health schemes. The document discusses health insurance reforms in various countries, with a focus on defragmentation of multiple health...

Framework note on PDSS reforms

This document defines the strategic and technical guidelines for accelerating the move towards CSU. It sets ambitious targets and defines the ways and means of achieving them, notably through a series of reforms and systemic innovations, which the Ministry of Health...

Evaluation of the Fonds Commun Santé in Niger

According to Article 2 of Order 354 of March 28, 2018 on the FCS, "the Common Fund is a multi-donor mechanism that centralizes and ensures the fiduciary management of all contributions, intended to support the implementation of the Health Development Plan." The main...

Malawi National Health Financing Strategy 2023-2030

Malawi is committed to attaining Universal Health Coverage (UHC), aiming to improve access to healthcare services without imposing excessive financial burdens on its citizens. Aligned with international commitments such as the Sustainable Development Goals, Malawi has...

Ethiopia Health Financing Strategy 2022-2031

The document outlines Ethiopia's Health Care Financing Strategy (HCF) spanning 2022-2031, building on past successes and challenges to advance towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC) via Primary Health Care (PHC). It aims to ensure equitable access to essential health...

Health Financing Progress Matrix assessment

This report provides a concise summary of Ethiopia's Health Financing Progress Matrix assessment, identifying strengths and weaknesses in the health financing system, and priority areas of health financing that need to be addressed to drive progress towards Universal...