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Primary Health Care Archives - Page 10 of 64 - P4H Network
315 results
Cameroon: CSU tested in 5 regions of the country
Cameroon: CSU tested in 5 regions of the country

To get the ball rolling towards CSU, the Government of Cameroon and its partners have drawn up the terms of reference for the project to set up the experimental phase of CSU in 05 regions, starting at  2023. This experimental phase will focus on reproductive,...

National social protection strategy (2019-2025), Jordan

The Jordanian National Social Protection Strategy articulates the Government’s commitment to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty and provide a social protection floor in the context of the Kingdom’s vision for a state that has social justice, equity, and...

Two documents added to the Jordan country page
Two documents added to the Jordan country page

The Jordan country page has recently added two new strategy papers. A high-level review by USAID’s Health Finance and Governance Activity, of the process in the public health system in Jordan, identify key areas such as benefits package design and mixed provider...

Health coverage for workers in Egypt

This study explains the healthcare coverage that Egyptian employees receive based on formal employment. The paper details the legislative, institutional and technical aspects relevant to various occupational healthcare (OCH) services in Egypt, emphasizing the central...

Increased health funding in Malawi could prevent 100,000 deaths – study
Increased health funding in Malawi could prevent 100,000 deaths – study

Research conducted by the National Planning Commission (NPC) with the assistance from the African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP) and the Copenhagen consensus centre has revealed that significantly increasing financial investment in the health sector could...