The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) announced a health benefits package to cover home isolation of mild and asymptomatic COVID-19 patients. The COVID-19 Home Isolation Benefit Package (CHIBP) can help free up hospital beds for COVID-19 patients...
COVID-19 vaccines, medicines, test kits added in Thailand Universal Coverage Scheme
In Thailand, the National Health Security Board has approved new benefits packages under the Universal Coverage Scheme that consist of COVID-19 vaccines, medicines, test kits, and medical supplies. The new benefits packages enable the National...
Support for frontline workers urgently needed in Viet Nam
Ethiopia Launches Health Extension Program Optimization Roadmap
Ethiopia has launched a national Health Extension Program (HEP) Optimization Roadmap with a view to accelerating the realization of Universal Health Coverage through access to needed health services, including prevention, promotion, treatment, rehabilitation, and...
Chad: Workshop to finalize the national social protection strategy document, N’Djamena 20-23.07.2020
As part of the implementation of the roadmap for the revision of the National Social Protection Strategy (SNPS), the Interministerial Technical Committee drew up and validated, from March 11 to 13, 2021, in collaboration with technical and financial partners (UNICEF...
Public-private clinics partnership for COVID-19 home isolation implements in Thailand
Thai National Health Security Office has covered the cost of services under the home isolation program provided by the private clinic: 1,000 baht per case for meals and health services and 1,100 baht for medical devices such as a digital thermometer and a...
SENEGAL: National diagnostic and orientation workshop on community mutuality
The evaluation and the prospect of a new phase of the CMU in Senegal constitute an opportunity for the community mutual benefit society to take ownership and position itself as a force for proposal and responsibility in the management of the CMU program and...
New blog on Implementing UHC in the Philippines: Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty?
For more details of blog on "Implementing UHC in the Philippines: Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty?", please click
Burkina Faso: FCFA 16.38 billion for health infrastructure for internally displaced persons
Burkina Faso has obtained financing from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) to implement a project to strengthen primary healthcare in order to improve health and nutrition. At an estimated cost of FCFA 16.38 billion, the IDB contributed FCFA 15.37 billion. This sum...
The right choice: Achieving universal health coverage in Malawi
In Malawi primary healthcare services are provided for free at point of use in all government facilities and selected Christian Association of Malawi facilities through service level agreements). In practice, however, around 70% of the services provided at tertiary...
Financing Ethiopia’s Primary Care to 2035: A Model Projecting Resource Mobilization and Costs
This paper presents the results of modeling to project Ethiopia’s future resources to finance primary health care and compare them with the likely costs of providing primary care according to current government plans. The paper explores different scenarios related to...
Thailand plans to use public funds to cover cost of home care for COVID patients
National Health Security Office, Thailand will cover costs of home care for asymptomatic or mild-symptom COVID-19 patients, aiming to reduce crowd in the hospitals, especially in Bangkok and metropolitan area. Home care includes online consulting with physicians,...
Indonesia increases public funding for hospitals in critical condition due to Covid-19
Indonesia increases healthcare budget to 193.93 trillion rupiah ($13.39 billion) for coronavirus treatment, testing, tracing, drugs, vaccines and protective gear. In addition, telemedicine service has been introduced to non-critical patients, aiming to reduce pressure...
Cost of Implementing Minimum Service Standards for Health in Indonesia
Indonesia has increased health insurance coverage to 83 % of the total population. Due to the rise of noncommunicable disease (NCD) prevalence, public health spending may need to shift the focus to primary health care. Indonesia has released several iterations of its...
Accelerating broad and equitable access to the COVID-19 vaccine in Ethiopia
In an effort to accelerate fair and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines, the World Bank is providing additional financing to the Ethiopia COVID-19 Emergency Response Project in the form of a grant totaling $207 million to finance vaccine acquisition and deployment...