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Primary Health Care Archives - Page 11 of 64 - P4H Network
315 results
Afghanistan health system receives international support amid crisis
Afghanistan health system receives international support amid crisis

Afghanistan is facing a severe crisis in its healthcare sector as the country remains conflict-affected. To boost life-saving support and keep the healthcare system on its feet, it has recently received UDS 45 million from the United Nations' Central Emergency...

Nepal expanded health services in villages

Universal health coverage can be reached when all people can access quality health services. Nepal allocated the budget to establish new health centers, aiming to increase access to health care for the people living in the remote villages. To read more, please click...

Ensuring universal access to primary health care in Oman

This case study focuses primarily on how Oman used various strategies for improving access to and quality of their primary health care system thus contributing to universal health care. The focus on primary health care as the fundamental tool to advance the health of...

Diabetes in Niger: A plea for access to care
Diabetes in Niger: A plea for access to care

" Access to care to fight diabetes ", this is the theme chosen for the 2021 commemoration of the International Diabetes Day. In Niamey, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) once again sacrificed itself to tradition, this time placing the...

Bahrain’s national health insurance system improves access and provision

This chapter from The Report: Bahrain 2020 published by Oxford Business Group outlines how the country’s health insurance system functions in terms of mobilization of funds, government healthcare expenditure as a percentage of GDP and the public primary health care...

Bahrain’s National Health Plan

Bahrain’s Supreme Council of Health published the country’s National Health Plan in 2016 with the objective of adopting modern methods in providing healthcare services to meet the health needs of its citizens starting with primary healthcare promoting optimal...

Mali Mutuality: Segou gets involved!
Mali Mutuality: Segou gets involved!

Based in Ségou since 2002, the mutualité is a voluntary health insurance organization that works to improve the quality of healthcare and access to health services for non-civil servant populations. Based on the principles of solidarity, non-profit and social...

Côte d’Ivoire: CNAM creates a stir in Bingerville
Côte d’Ivoire: CNAM creates a stir in Bingerville
Côte d’Ivoire

On Tuesday, October 26, 2021, the Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie (CNAM) organized the second awareness and prevention day called " Les évènements de la CNAM " at the foyer des jeunes in Bingerville, with a view to raising local awareness of the need...

Malawi: Donors want increased domestic health financing
Malawi: Donors want increased domestic health financing

Following the health sector strategic plan II (HSSP II) joint annual review meeting which attracted all stakeholders in the health sector, development partners in Malawi asked government to increase its budget allocation to achieve universal healthcare coverage (UHC)....