Restitution Saly 2019 – Benin
Restitution Saly 2019 – Burkina
Restitution Saly 2019 – CIV
Restitution Saly 2019 – Mali
Restitution Saly 2019 – Mauritania
Restitution Saly 2019 – Senegal
Restitution Saly 2019 – Togo
AMU experience-sharing laboratory in Saly 2019
An exchange laboratory on AMU in French-speaking West Africa has been organized by WHO in November 2019. 7 French-speaking countries with a strong current dynamic on the subject were brought together (Burkina Faso, Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali,...
"The Summit will revolve around the pillars of healthcare - Investment in Healthcare, Digital Health, Skill Development and Mainstreaming Health Innovations. It will offer a unique platform conducive to meaningful dialogue that will pave the way for collaborations,...
User Fees and Access to HIV/AIDS Services in Cameroon
Paper on User Fees in Cameroon / UNAIDS , August 2019
Synthèse du rapport d’atelier de réflexion sur les modalités d’implémentation de la décision ministérielle relative à la gratuité des soins sur le VIH/SIDA, Douala 6-7 juin 2019
UNAIDS HIV Userfees mission_Cameroon_Debrief
Stories from the field # 6
Welcome to the latest issue of 'Stories from the field', all about how countries are working to achieve universal health coverage. In Issue 6 we share Samoa's approach to tackling the problem of non-communicable diseases through a primary health care approach. We...
Stories from the field # 3
Welcome to a new issue of Stories from the field, with great features about Sri Lanka's focus on primary health care, and Oman's work on patient safety. In 2019, we will continue to share your many stories of change from the field. If you have a...