40 years after the Declaration of Alma-Ata on primary health care Astana Declaration sets the course for achieving universal health coverage. Countries from around the world have signed the Astana Declaration, reaffirming their desire to strengthen primary health care...
The success of primary health care is a movement around the world in support of primary health care as the most effective strategy for achieving universal health coverage
From 25 to 26 October, the Global Conference on Primary Health Care was held in Astana, Kazakhstan, together with WHO, UNICEF and the Government of Kazakhstan. The countries have signed the Astana Declaration on PHC "From Almaty to Universal Healthcare Coverage and...
Technical note on CSU system architecture in Cameroon
The architecture of universal health coverage can be defined as a coherent set of mechanisms or instruments for pooling and managing funds to enable the collective assumption of expenses linked to people's access to health care and services. These mechanisms include...
In combination with specific measures to promote employment, the Strategy for Growth and Employment (2010-2020), adopted by the Government of Cameroon, includes human development among the key factors supporting economic growth. To gradually enhance human capital, the...

What get’s measured get’s done: Malawi releases National Health Indicators Handbook for Monitoring Health Sector Performance
As part of the 2017-2022 Health Sector Strategic Plan II (HSSP II) towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC), Malawi released an updated set of National Health Indicators and accompanying targets. hese indicators support monitoring for the Ministry of Health and...

Status Quo: Decentralization of public health service provision
The Decentralization programme has been going on in Malawi for 20 years now. Indeed a lot has happened considering that the first phase in the late 1990s was for laying the ground works relating to addressing capacity gaps and this was followed by the second phase...
The issues of cooperation between CIS countries and WHO were discussed in Astana
A meeting of interaction between Interstate Commission of the CIS Member States and World Health Organization was held today in Astana. The representatives from CIS Member States, World Health Organization, Ministry of Health, Republican Center for Health...

The World Bank injects $105 Million to improve Primary Health Care in Mozambique, with disbursements linked to performance and health financing
The World Bank approved $105 million equivalent in non-reimbursable grants for the Government of Mozambique’s Primary Health Care Strengthening Program‐for‐Results. Of this amount, $25 million equivalent is provided by the Global Finance Facility (GFF)*, and $80...
2016-11-07 Catastrophic health expenditure and impoverishment in Mongolia
The aim of this study was to analyze the incidence of catastrophic health expenditures and to measure the rate of impoverishment from health care payments under the social health insurance scheme in Mongolia. Data from the 2012 Household Socio-Economic Survey was...
2016-04-17 The Adoption of Roles by Primary Care Providers during Implementation of the New Chronic Disease Guideleines in Urban Mongolia.
This study aimed to analyse the roles that different primary care providers adopted, and the variations in these, in the implementation of the guidelines in urban Mongolia. Data was analysed usinga thematic approach based on the identified themes relevant to role...
Strategic plan for community health in Guinea
The vision of the national health policy is "A Guinea where all populations are healthy, economically and socially productive, benefiting from universal access to quality promotional, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services, including palliative care, with...
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Regional inter-country meeting in Astana
Event Time : 26 Apr 2018 7:00 am to 27 Apr 2018 3:00 pmTimezone: UTC+01:00Event is Conference : No