WHO recommends setting up a multi-donor consultation platform to define a health financing strategy. See section 63 of the report below. 2013_05_29_Jean_Ette-CAMEROUN-NOTE-TECHNIQUE-MISSION-APPUI-CONCERTATION-NATIONALE-SOUTENABILITE-FINANCEMENT-ARV
Transmission of a joint opinion from health TFPs on exemption from payment for care for under-5s
The WHO representation in Burkina Faso sends the Minister of Health a joint letter from all the health PTFs concerning the strategy of exemption from payment for care for children under 5. 2013_12_13_OMS_Burkina-Lettre_PTF_sur_exemption_paiement_moins5ans...
In Burkina Faso, the Council of Ministers has decided to introduce measures to encourage free travel.
Extract from the minutes of the Council of Ministers of March 2, 2016: "In the area of maternal and child health, the Council has decided on the following appropriate measures, which will be implemented from April 02, 2016. These are: free breast and cervical cancer...
Strengthening Primary Health Care for Results Programme – Tanzania
Global Financing Facility embedded into the WB PHC Programme for Results 201703_WB Program for Results incl GFF
Setting up the process to operationalize the national CSU strategy
Consultants made available by WHO and Swiss Cooperation / GIZ as part of the P4H network are helping the government to prepare the regulations and job descriptions for the newly-created Interministerial Coordination Unit (CIC-CSU)....
Prime Minister signs national CSU strategy
A very important milestone was reached in Chad on September 3, 2015: the Prime Minister signed the national CSU strategy, thus politically validating the work accomplished by the technical group between 2013 and early 2015. 2015_09_03_PM_Tchad-Strategie_CSU_signee...
Harmonization of concepts and monitoring framework for CSU
From May 26 to 28, the various CSU players in Côte d'Ivoire harmonized their concepts and adopted a common CSU monitoring framework. 2015_08_05_MSLS_Cote_Ivoire-Rapport_atelier_national_harmonisation_CUS_final 2015_05_MSLS_Cote_Ivoire-Cadre_suivi_CSU_travaux_oms
Circulation of the draft version of the National Social Protection Policy
The Ministry of Population distributes the version below. 2015_03_31_MinPop_Madagascar-Draft_PNPS
National meeting to launch the CSU strategy development process
Under the high patronage of His Excellency the President of the Republic and in the presence of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Public Health, a national meeting was held on March 25, 2015 in Antananarivo (Hotel Ibis Ivandry) to launch the process of developing...
Technical validation of Chad’s national CSU strategy
The technical validation of the national CSU strategy, prepared by the technical committee with the support of the P4H network, is taking place today in Chad. The next step should be to take this strategy to the decision-making level. 2015_02_18-Doc_SN_CSU_Tchad...
Adoption of the national plan to extend social protection – January 2011
Adoption of the National Strategy for the Extension of Health Risk Coverage – August 2008
Senegal adopts its first national strategy to extend health risk coverage. It rests on 3 pillars: improving free access initiatives reform of the compulsory health insurance system the development of state-subsidized mutual health insurance schemes
National Social Protection Policy Statement – April 2002
The government of Mali adopts its national social protection policy. Among the objectives for extending social protection in the health sector are the introduction of compulsory health insurance (AMO) and the creation of a medical assistance fund for the indigent....