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Primary Health Care Archives - P4H Network
311 results
Zimbabweans seek affordable healthcare in Zambia
Zimbabweans seek affordable healthcare in Zambia
Zimbabwe, Zambia

Many Zimbabweans regularly cross into Zambia to purchase cheaper medication. In Zimbabwe, the same medications cost around $85 per month, whereas just across the border in Livingstone, Zambia, it's only $13, even with travel. Zimbabwe's economic crisis has made...

Ministry of Health allocates resources to strengthen Primary Health Care
Ministry of Health allocates resources to strengthen Primary Health Care

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection announced the allocation of budgetary resources to strengthen primary health care through two resolutionsThe Ministry of Health and Social Protection announced the allocation of resources from the operating budget to...

Nurses invited to commit to the success of Universal Health Coverage
Nurses invited to commit to the success of Universal Health Coverage
Congo, Democratic Republic of the

The ordinary congress of the national union of nurses of Congo (UNIC) was held in Kinshasa from June 24 to 26, 2024. On this occasion, they were invited to get involved in supporting Universal Health Coverage. " Advocacy for the labor rights of public sector nurses...

40 years of basic healthcare in Tunisia

The "Soins de Santé de Base" (SSB) descriptor is the Tunisian name for "Soins de Santé Primaires" (SSP), implemented in early 1980. The aim of this reflection was to compare the practices of SSB in Tunisia with the principles of the PHC vision.Based on the essential...

Congo calls for an international primary healthcare day
Congo calls for an international primary healthcare day

At the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva, the Republic of Congo, through its Minister of Health, recommended the establishment of an " International Primary Health Care Day " to be celebrated on September 12 each year. Gilbert Mokoki, the Republic of Congo's...

Health Sector Budget Performance Analysis 2019-2021
Chile, Guatemala, Peru, Colombia, Honduras, Panama, Dominican Republic, Uruguay

Results are presented on the budgetary performance of the health sector in 8 countries. This document can serve as a guide for other countries in the region to improve financial management in the health sector, allowing for a more effective and efficient response to...

The Fifth Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP V)
Tanzania, United Republic of

Tanzania's early achievement of lower middle-income status reflects robust economic growth and human development, driven by focused health sector investment. The Fifth Health Sector Strategic Plan aims to enhance healthcare access, combat diseases, and ensure...