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Primary Health Care Archives - P4H Network
305 results
Malawi National Health Policy: Towards Universal Health Coverage

The Malawi National Health Policy is aligned with Sustainable Development Goals and aims to tackle challenges like inadequate healthcare provision, weak governance, and limited resources. The policy serves as a crucial governance document to align stakeholders toward...

Key highlights from the 2023 Montreux Collaborative meeting
Key highlights from the 2023 Montreux Collaborative meeting

The 6th meeting of the WHO Montreux Collaborative on Fiscal Space, Public Financial Management and Health Financing[1] was held in Montreux, Switzerland from 14-16 November 2023.  High-level finance and health-ministry representatives, development partners, and...

Ethiopia Health Financing Strategy 2022-2031

The document outlines Ethiopia's Health Care Financing Strategy (HCF) spanning 2022-2031, building on past successes and challenges to advance towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC) via Primary Health Care (PHC). It aims to ensure equitable access to essential health...

Financial barriers to primary health care in Aotearoa New Zealand
New Zealand

Co-payment is required for visits to general practitioners and for collecting prescriptions. This study aims to investigate the impact of user co-payments on access to health care, with a focus on inequities for indigenous Māori populations in New Zealand. Findings...

Technical consultation workshop on primary healthcare financing reforms
Technical consultation workshop on primary healthcare financing reforms

The document outlines the proceedings and outcomes of a Technical Consultation Workshop on Primary Healthcare Financing Reform held in Ethiopia from August 16th to 18th, 2023. The Ministry of Health of Ethiopia organized it with the Ethiopian Health Insurance Service,...

With a budget deficit, Hong Kong needs to optimise healthcare spending
With a budget deficit, Hong Kong needs to optimise healthcare spending

Hong Kong should focus on strategic purchasing to boost primary healthcare to tackle the budget deficit in healthcare says a news report by the South China Morning Post. The article advocates for a reimagining of healthcare financing in Hong Kong, emphasizing the...

Guinea’s national health development plan

Guinea has a National Health Policy based on primary health care and health system strengthening, aimed at universal access to essential health care and services.Implementation of the PNDS 2015-2024 will focus on a sectoral approach at all levels of the national...

Insurance program for human capital reinforcement (ARCH) – Benin

Project ARCH is part of the Beninese government's drive to offer a minimum package of basic social services to the most disadvantaged. It is part of the national institutional framework and aims to develop synergies with other projects and initiatives already...

Muskoka study on CSU in Benin

This research aims to help participating countries meet the challenge of building on what already exists to move towards CSU. The aim is to document the extent to which the 'CSU' systems of the countries participating in the study meet the criteria of the Learning...

Direct Facility Financing launches in Malawi’s health sector
Direct Facility Financing launches in Malawi’s health sector

Boosting healthcare delivery for universal health coverage: Malawi's Direct Facility Financing (DFF) to revolutionize service delivery! Streamlining health financing, cutting bureaucracy, and empowering facilities for efficient care.To enhance health facility...

Decree determining the conditions of medical control -AMU
Burkina Faso

The decree issued in application of the provisions of article 33 of law no. 060-2015/CNT of September 5, 2015 on the universal health insurance scheme in Burkina Faso, determines the terms and conditions of medical control and medical expertise.The medical check-up...

Decree setting out the conditions for administrative control of RAMU
Burkina Faso

The present decree, issued in application of the provisions of article 37 of al loi n°060-2015/CNT du 5 septembre 2015 portant régime d'assurance maladie universelle au Burkina Faso, sets the terms and conditions of administrative control.The administrative control...