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Primary Health Care Archives - Page 6 of 64 - P4H Network
315 results
National Health Service Delivery Survey RCA-2019
Central African Republic

The first of its kind in the Central African Republic, this report presents reliable information on the availability of health services, the general operational capacity of services, the availability and operational capacity of specific health services, comprehensive...

Evaluation of the BPF health project in CAR
Central African Republic

This report evaluates Cordaid's Performance-Based Financing (PBF) driven health project in Nana Mambéré prefecture, health region 2, during the political and humanitarian crisis from March 2013 until May 2014 to see if PBF was able to respond to the emergency...

National Community Health Policy CAR 2020-2030
Central African Republic

The community health policy stems from the presidential impetus for the CSU, where we note a preoccupation with bringing care closer to the population, guided by equity and the concern to spare families from certain expenses linked to distance and delays in care.The...

Singapore: More subsidies for chronic patients under new Healthier SG
Singapore: More subsidies for chronic patients under new Healthier SG

Healthier SG is a new, long-term reform healthcare plan for Singapore implemented by the Ministry of Health (MOH), aiming to promote preventive care. Healthier SG scheme has introduced a new program called Healthier SG Chronic Tier in 2024.Starting from February 1,...

Strengthening MSP/P/AS management in Niger

L'objectif du présent cahier des charges est de créer une vision commune et un récit qui donnera un sens à l'action et alimentera les réformes en cours ou prévues par le SSDP, qui doivent elles-mêmes être fondées sur des capacités renforcées, notamment pour les...

Study report on the benefits of free healthcare in Niger

The aim of this study is to take stock of other free services in the healthcare system and of insurance mechanisms for patient care, and to analyze and make proposals for the implementation of a health risk coverage scheme. This document was prepared by Samia Laokri...

Decree creating the National Institute for Medical Assistance in Niger

On January 12, 2023, the Nigerien government established INAM as a public administrative institution with the mission of implementing policies, strategies and reforms relating to the financing and delegated management of free healthcare for vulnerable populations by...

Guide to monitoring and evaluating the SSDP in Niger 2022-2026

Ce cadre est un outil conçu pour rassembler les différents éléments nécessaires à l'évaluation des progrès réalisés dans la mise en œuvre du plan de développement sanitaire et social (PDSS) 2022-2026, sur la base d'indicateurs clés sélectionnés et clairement...

Niger Health and Social Development Plan 2022-2026

Le cadrage financier du PDSS 2022-2026 a été basé sur des données programmatiques, à l'aide de l'outil de budgétisation One Health. Le scénario moyen quantifie un budget prévisionnel pour le PDSS 2022-2026 de 1 513 063 866 310 francs CFA, soit environ 2 521 773 110...

National Strategy for Universal Health Coverage in Niger 2021-2030

L'objectif global de la stratégie CSU est d'améliorer l'accessibilité financière à des soins et services de santé de qualité par le biais d'un certain nombre de mécanismes de protection contre le risque de maladie. Pour atteindre son objectif général, la stratégie...

National health financing strategy for Niger-2023

The national health financing strategy aims to make Niger a nation where the entire population, without socio-economic distinction, has equitable access to quality health and social services, based on sustainable financing that respects the principles of equity and...

Policy Brief: Mobilizing resources for NCD prevention in Senegal

In Senegal, 61% of deaths from non-communicable diseases will occur prematurely between the ages of 30 and 69 in 2019. The management of NCDs is included in the National Health and Social Development Plan 2019-2028 and in the National Health Financing Strategy to move...

Policy brief: more money for better health in Senegal

By deploying primary healthcare interventions in low- and middle-income countries, 60 million lives could be saved and average life expectancy increased by 3.7 years by 2030. Since its adoption, Senegal has made it a pillar of its health policy.

PMAC side meeting – financing of primary health care in Southeast Asia Region
PMAC side meeting – financing of primary health care in Southeast Asia Region
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of), India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste

On 22 January 2024, PMAC side meeting – financing of primary health care in Southeast Asia Region was held in Bangkok, Thailand. This event was co-organized by WHO South-East Asia Region, Chulalongkorn University, and Mahidol University. In this side meeting, P4H...