The Bujumbura International Mutualist Conference will be held on February 3 and 4, 2025. A number of experts will be meeting to discuss the theme: "Objective of universal health and social protection in Africa - Relying on mutuals as key players in the social and...
Tariff increases for healthcare facilities
The French government has just announced an increase in hospital tariffs for 2024. The aim is to support the recovery in activity in healthcare establishments and meet the population's healthcare needs in a context of inflation. The rates invoiced to the Assurance...
Government purchase of private health services in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
The EMR shows large-scale, domestically funded initiatives of government purchase of private healthcare. Formalised stewardship efforts are underway for better quality and more efficient payments. The outstanding needs is to establish a coherent national direction....
Government sets conditions for opening and operating private healthcare establishments
The Head of State, Mr. Ismaiïl Omar Guelleh, chaired the 8th session of the Council of Ministers on May 14, 2024, during which the Djibouti executive examined a draft decree on the conditions for opening and operating private health establishments.This text adopted by...
Conclave of experts on health financing in West Africa
A meeting of African experts and stakeholders was held in Abidjan, from June 20 to 22, 2024, with the aim of discussing strategies to strengthen the role of the private sector in healthcare financing in West Africa.At the 32nd AU Assembly held in February 2019 in...
Michelin sets up a “decent wage” for all employees around the world
French company, Michelin's announcement of implementing 'universal social protection floor' to benefit employees in all its countries of operation is an example of private sector engagement in driving social health protection. In a recent article published by Les...
Factors for consideration when setting prices for private healthcare providers operating in public systems: a comparison of France and Japan
This study compares the purchasing arrangements with private providers under social health insurance systems in France and Japan.France and Japan use different approaches to determine the payment arrangements with public and private providers. In addition to payment...
Current situation and recommendations for healthcare facilities
On October 12, 2023, the Cour des Comptes published two reports on healthcare institutionsThe first report focuses on the financial situation of public hospitals, which, although in a dilapidated state, are said to have improved after the health crisis thanks to...
ILO launches “Building social protection foundations for all” project in Burkina Faso
The project "Building Social Protection Floors for All: ILO global flagship program in Burkina Faso" was launched on August 28, 2023 in Ouagadougou by Bassolma Bazié, Minister in charge of Social Protection, in the presence of Frédéric Lapeyre, Director of the ILO...
A plea for Burkinabe companies to finance health care
Speaking to the press on December 28, 2023, the Organization for New Initiatives in Development and Health (ONIDS) took stock of the implementation of its project, which urged private companies to act for greater social responsibility in financing health care in...
AMU-Burkina: Pilot phase reviewed by stakeholders
From July 25 to 27, 2023, those involved in implementing the pilot phase of Universal Health Insurance (UHI). The meeting provided an opportunity to take stock of two years of implementation, and to make objective recommendations for the large-scale operationalization...
Contracting the private health sector in Thailand’s Universal Health Coverage
Despite the publicly dominated health service delivery in Thailand, private providers significantly contribute to healthcare access in Bangkok. This study focuses on assessing the current state of contracting private health facilities by two key purchasing agencies:...
Free drug provision for tuberculosis increases patient follow-ups and successful treatment outcomes in the Indian private sector
A quasi-experimental study using propensity score matchingAbstract Background The private sector is an important yet underregulated component of the TB treatment infrastructure in India. The Joint Effort for Elimination of Tuberculosis (Project JEET) aims to link...
Mali-RAMU: Association of private practitioners opts for rational prescribing
On March 18, 2023, the Association des Médecins Libérales du Mali organized a scientific day in Bamako on "The rights and duties of liberal doctors, for rational prescribing within the RAMU framework". The opening ceremony was presided over by the Minister of Health...
Provider Payment Diagnostic and Assessment Guide
Short description This tool helps countries determine their objectives for reform, assess policy options, identify joint learning and technical assistance needs, and progress through the reform process. Purpose The purpose of this tool is to help practitioners and...