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Private Sector Archives - P4H Network
218 results
Trends in the financialisation of outpatient care

This paper summarises the findings of research into the financialisation of outpatient care across OECD countries. While financialisation was reported to be a concern by a majority of responding countries, how financialisation is taking place also varies depending on...

Social protection and health insurance on the CIPB table
Social protection and health insurance on the CIPB table

The Council of Private Investors in Benin (CIPB) in collaboration with the Benin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI Bénin) organized a round table on health insurance. Employers and employees took part in this conclave, which opened on November 5 in Cotonou....

Senate mission warns of financialization of healthcare provision
Senate mission warns of financialization of healthcare provision

A Senate fact-finding mission sought to measure the phenomenon of financialization in the various sectors of healthcare provision. It identified the determinants and assessed the consequences for the organization of healthcare provision in different regions, the...

ESCom – a successful community-based public-private partnership
ESCom – a successful community-based public-private partnership
Côte d’Ivoire

30 years of public-private partnership in Côte d'Ivoire, reinforces primary health care in the quest for universal health coverage. This successful model deserves to be better known outside Côte d'Ivoire and French-speaking Africa. In the late 90s, Abidjan began an...

Bujumbura International Mutualist Conference: February 3-4, 2025
Bujumbura International Mutualist Conference: February 3-4, 2025

The Bujumbura International Mutualist Conference will be held on February 3 and 4, 2025. A number of experts will be meeting to discuss the theme: "Objective of universal health and social protection in Africa - Relying on mutuals as key players in the social and...

Tariff increases for healthcare facilities
Tariff increases for healthcare facilities

The French government has just announced an increase in hospital tariffs for 2024. The aim is to support the recovery in activity in healthcare establishments and meet the population's healthcare needs in a context of inflation. The rates invoiced to the Assurance...

Conclave of experts on health financing in West Africa
Conclave of experts on health financing in West Africa
Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, Nigeria, Benin, Togo

A meeting of African experts and stakeholders was held in Abidjan, from June 20 to 22, 2024, with the aim of discussing strategies to strengthen the role of the private sector in healthcare financing in West Africa.At the 32nd AU Assembly held in February 2019 in...