The mission took place from May 3 to 20, 2015 and was organized into two main activities: training at the CSU and identification of initial strategic directions with the technical committee. 2015_05_19_JP-Rapport_mission_2_Madagascar_final
Meeting at AMS 2015 between the Chad delegation, Swiss cooperation and the P4H coordination office
Just a quick report on the short meeting Claude, Alex and I had with Dr. Yankalbe P. Matchok Mahouri (Health and Social Affairs Advisor to the Prime Minister's Office) and Dr. Yankalbe P. Matchok Mahouri (Health and Social Affairs Advisor to the Prime Minister's...
DEP/OMS/BM exchanges on the progress of the CSU project
The DEP is circulating the official minutes of the videoconference held on April 29. Concrete proposals have been formulated for the coming weeks (see below). 2015_05_14_MinSan_RDC-Compte_rendu_VC_29avril
AFD prepares a new program to support universal health coverage
AFD releases its aide-mémoire for the pre-identification mission of the new C2D program (Contrat de Développement et de Désendettement) for the 2015-2020 period. Universal health coverage is addressed both by strengthening public healthcare provision and by...
EU consultation report on SNFS formulation released
The Ministry of Health releases the draft version of the EU-funded consultation report on the formulation of the national health financing strategy. A workshop to validate this report is scheduled for January 2015. 2014_11_24_Consultant_UE-Rapport_provisoire_SNFS
FAPS feasibility study report released
See the document below. 2014_10_17_Faisabilite_FAPS_Burundi
New publication of World Bank policy notes for Madagascar – May 29, 2014
The World Bank publishes a collection of policy briefs for Madagascar entitled "Opportunities and challenges for inclusive and resilient growth". Chapters 17 (health and nutrition) and 18 (social protection) may be of particular interest to other TFPs involved in...
AFD makes available the ToR for the Muskoka-I3S feasibility study
As part of its support for Mali, AFD is making available the terms of reference for the Muskoka-I3S feasibility study. 2014_05_15_AFD-TdR_Faisabilite_Muskoka_i3S_Mali
Aide-mémoire of AFD’s identification mission in Chad
AFD is organizing an identification mission for phase 2 of the Chad health sector support project (PAST). See the checklist below. 2013_12_06_AFD-Aide_memoire_mission_identification_Tchad_nov2013
Observations by Canada (health TFP leader) on Mali’s draft health financing policy document – November 2013
See attached PDF. 2013_11_08_Canada-Observations_politique_FS_Mali
GTT-FS comments on the draft health financing policy document – November 4, 2013
See attached. 2013_11_04_GTT_FS_Mali-Observations_sur_politique_FS_Mali
Pre-identification mission for Agence Française de Développement’s I3S project – September 2013
In 2013, France has decided to devote part of the proceeds from the Taxe sur les Transactions Financières (TTF) to strengthening social equilibrium by improving access to healthcare for children in the Sahel, for a total amount of 30 million euros. This Initiative...