On December 6 and 7, 2016, Chad organized a roundtable to mobilize resources for the implementation of the National Strategic Plan for Universal Health Coverage 2017-2019. During the meeting, which took place in the SAVANAH/SAHARA room at the HILTON hotel...
UHC Forum in WDC (with the support of the WB)
Participation of a Cameroonian delegation (MINSANTE/MINFI)
Creation, by the MOH, of the interministerial technical working group in charge of designing the Health financing strategy
Workshop to present the Situation Analysis of Health Financing in Cameroon to OSC and Private Sector.
Technical study on the sectors and professions of the informal and agricultural economy for the determination of the adapted mechanisms of affiliation to the system of social protection and incentives in Cameroon (MINTSS and ILO)
Note de réflexion des PTF sur le processus CSU au Cameroun, en réponse à la sollicitation d’appui du MINSANTE.
Concept note drawn up jointly by the Technical and Financial Partners members of the sub-group on CSU in Cameroon: Agence Française de Développement (AFD), French Embassy, World Bank (WB), Centre International de Développement et de la Recherche (CIDR), Deutsche...
Official launch of GFF in Burkina Faso (and all start-up documents)
Official launch of the GFF: see pp2 & 3 of the Ministry of Health newsletter "The mission of the secretariat of the Global Financing Mechanism (GFF), in Burkina from February 19 to 22 led to a joint statement by the ministries in charge of Finance and Health. The...
Private sector participation in SEAR countries in response to COVID-19
Strategic Purchasing and Involvement of Private Sector in COVID-19
How to purchase health services during a pandemic? Purchasing priorities to support the response to COVID-19
As countries around the world respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, their attention is focused on organizing and reconfiguring health care delivery, e.g., testing measures, home care, and increases in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) bed capacity, to meet the changing needs of...
Follow-up table of the cross-cutting and sectoral recommendations of the joint aide-mémoire of the Troika of technical and financial partners as at December 31, 2019 in Burkina Faso
The status of follow-up on the recommendations of the joint TFP aide-memoire at the end of December 2019 transmitted by DG COOP. A good way to get a cross-sectional view of the concerns of Burkina Faso's government and partners, with a possible sectoral zoom on health...
Integrating programmes under Global Health Initiatives into country-led efforts for Universal Health Coverage: The role of technical assistance and knowledge networks
With the overall objective to ensure healthy lives for all and achieve universal health coverage (UHC), the European Union has been investing a total of €2.6 billion into health sectors through its development assistance for the period 2014-2020. This investment...
SNIS project summary Cooper & Smith Burkina Faso
Capacity-building project to improve the use of health data in Burkina Faso - Cooper/Smith technical assistance to the Ministry of Health
Cooper & Smith SNIS support project in Burkina Faso
Project de renforcement de pour l'utilisation des données au Burkina Faso - Technical assistance from Cooper/Smith to Ministry of...
Cooper & Smith SNIS support project in Burkina Faso
Project de renforcement de pour l'utilisation des données au Burkina Faso - Technical assistance from Cooper/Smith to Ministry of...