The Global Fund Secretariat has identified three areas for further work in the IGO Advisory Report. Firstly, we review and modify internal policies and their implementation procedures (particularly those relating to fiduciary control). Secondly, to carry out country...
Mission agenda Global Fund Burkina Faso Dec 2019
Mission meeting schedule
Global Fund Governance Mission
Global products : Project plan for execution Contribution to the finalization of the methodology and tools used to carry out the evaluation Submission of a final report incorporating detailed methodology and overall conclusions and recommendations PowerPoint...
AMU in Burkina Faso: agreement signed with certain management bodies
To launch the start-up of benefits under the universal health insurance scheme (RAMU), the Caisse nationale d'assurance maladie universelle (CNAMU) signed agreements with certain management bodies this Tuesday, October 22, 2019....
AMU in Burkina Faso: agreement signed with certain management bodies
To launch the start-up of benefits under the universal health insurance scheme (RAMU), the Caisse nationale d'assurance maladie universelle (CNAMU) signed agreements with certain management bodies this Tuesday, October 22, 2019....
Agenda for the October 2019 meeting of the experts on free access at NIger
ToR, participants and agenda. The aim is to identify the state of knowledge for the Ministry of Health.
Experts meet to rethink free services in Niger
Purpose of the meeting Discussions on typical options for professionalizing the free service. Objectives : Appropriation, deepening, capacity building Consensus Decision support (policy dialogue) Expected result Summary note for the Ministry of Health,...
Global Fund options analysis to inform funding flows
In preparation for the next Global Fund concept note, the CCC is conducting an analysis of existing innovations in service delivery and health financing in the Cambodian health sector. The scope of work (SOW) for this analysis was presented to and endorsed by the CCC...
Minutes of a meeting between Ministries and PTFs on the progress of UHIP and free healthcare in Burkina Faso
On September 19, 2019, starting at 10 a.m., a working meeting was held in the conference room of the Ministry of the Civil Service, Labor and Social Protection on the financing of Universal Health Coverage (CSU) in Burkina Faso. This meeting is the first in a series...
Meeting between Ministries and PTFs on the progress of UHIP in Burkina Faso
On September 19, 2019, starting at 10 a.m., a working meeting was held in the conference room of the Ministry of the Civil Service, Labor and Social Protection on the financing of Universal Health Coverage (CSU) in Burkina Faso. This meeting is the first in a series...
IMF Press Release No. 19/292 on Burkina Faso
The three-year ECF agreement for Burkina Faso was approved on May 14, 2018 (see press release no. 18/86) for an amount equivalent to SDR 108.36 million (around $149.9 million, or 90% of the country's quota at the time the agreement was approved). One of the main...
The Phnom Penh Post “Ministry requests ADB aid for the most needy “
The Phnom Penh Post, 24 July 2019: "Cambodia on Tuesday requested the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to consider providing aid – especially to the elderly, people with disabilities and orphaned children. In the meantime, the bank is studying the country’s social welfare...
The Phnom Penh Post: Pension closer as government creates draft law on social security funds
The Phnom Penh Post, 12 February 2019: "The move comes after Prime Minister Hun Sen announced that, from this year, private sector workers would have a pension fund similar to government officials," Read more
Status of GFF Burkina Faso investment file in January 2019
DI progress report presented at the January 24, 2019 meeting of healthcare PTFs7
Status of GFF Burkina Faso investment file in January 2019
The DI has defined three priorities and presents its costing. PRIORITY 1: Improve coverage of target populations by the integrated package of high-impact SRMNEAN interventions; PRIORITY 2: Strengthen the pillars of the healthcare system in support of SRMNEAN's...