A discussion paper published by World Bank in collaboration with the Joint Learning Network, It is part of a series produced by the Health, Nutrition, and Population (HNP) Global Practice of the World Bank. The papers in this series aim to provide a vehicle for...
DRC-Gratuity: A step towards health coverage
Free childbirth in Kinshasa is a laudable initiative, as it would promote maternal health, equity and reduce maternal and newborn mortality rates. Is this a step towards the CSU? Patrick Ndjadi Ombombo, an expert in healthcare coverage, asks.For the Health Rights...
The National Health Insurance Fund in Kenya refine strategy to extend coverage to informal workers
The National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) staff attended a week long management retreat (20-24 March) organised by the Social Protection and Public Finance Management Program to discuss the NHIF institutional strategy with a focus on extending coverage to informal...
Сенегал-CMU: на примере региона Тамбакунда
Senegal-CMU: The Tambacounda region as an example
During a tour of the Tambacounda region on April 30, Aly Fall, technical advisor in charge of media and public relations at the Agence nationale de la couverture maladie universelle (ANCMU), highlighted the strong momentum of universal health coverage (CMU) in the...
Mali-RAMU : L’association des médecins libéraux opte pour une prescription rationnelle
L'association des médecins libéraux du Mali a organisé le 18 mars 2023 à Bamako, une journée scientifique sur "Droits et devoirs des médecins libéraux, pour la prescription rationnelle dans le cadre du RAMU". La cérémonie d'ouverture a été présidée par la ministre de...
Social protection expenditure in Pacific Island Countries and Timor-Leste
This paper by Partnerships for Social Protection (P4SP) seeks to support analysis of social protection financing by providing an overview of the size, composition, and historical evolution of social protection expenditure in Pacific Island Countries and...
The Minister of Health of Belarus approved Workplan for 2023, aiming for more efficient financing
The Minister of Health of Belarus Dmirtii Pinevich approved the Workplan for the Ministry of Health (MoH) for 2023. The workplan summarized current projects and activities performed in 2022 and outlined the work priorities for 2023.Among ongoing activities, the...
India bats for equitable healthcare access in its G20 Presidency
India holds the G20 Presidency this year and has prioritised healthcare as one of the key agendas. India wishes to use this opportunity to make its own health systems equitable and accessible to the population through various policies and initiatives.India established...
Provider Payment Diagnostic and Assessment Guide
Short description This tool helps countries determine their objectives for reform, assess policy options, identify joint learning and technical assistance needs, and progress through the reform process. Purpose The purpose of this tool is to help practitioners and...
Provider Payment Costing Manual
Short description This manual serves as a baseline of knowledge for countries to consult around the different options available to them, and provide concrete examples of how different costing methodologies and data collection strategies work in practice. Purpose The...
The Third Health Strategic Plan 2016-2020 (HSP3) “Quality, Effective and Equitable Health Services”
“The HSP3 is the MoH’s “strategic management tool” to guide the MoH and all health institutions as well as concerned stakeholders to effectively and efficiently use their available resources to translate health strategies into action. The HSP3 renews a...
Covid-19 : un défi pour les systèmes de gestion des finances publiques (Blog – BM)
https://blogs.worldbank.org/fr/voices/covid-19-un-defi-pour-les-systemes-de-gestion-des-finances-publiques 1. Financer la riposte sans tarder et avec clarté 2. Recentrer les contrôles sans pour autant les affaiblir 3. Assurer une gestion efficace de la trésorerie 4....
Improving domestic revenue mobilization through innovative financing- exploring debt swaps in Sierra Leone
The funding of the health sector in Sierra Leone is a major challenge, as the limited fiscal space has been further constrained by the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are significant funding gaps for the Life Stages Approach, National Health Sector...