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Public Financial Management (PFM) Archives - Page 18 of 202 - P4H Network
999 results
Health systems in action report published for Ukraine
Health systems in action report published for Ukraine

As part ot the Health Systems in Action Insight Series, the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies has published a Health systems in action report for Ukraine (see attached document). Below is the overview to the report by the Observatory:...

Health systems in action report published for Kyrgyzstan
Health systems in action report published for Kyrgyzstan

As part ot the Health Systems in Action Insight Series, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies has published a Health systems in action report for Kyrgyzstan (see attached document). Below is the overview to the report by...

Health systems in action report published for Georgia
Health systems in action report published for Georgia

As part ot the Health Systems in Action Insight Series, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies has published a Health systems in action report for Georgia (see attached document). Below is the overview to the report by the Observatory:...

Maldives Health Expenditure 2020

The 11th Maldives Health Statistics 2020 shows Maldives government’s commitment to provide better health service and social health protection through continuously increased allocation of the budget to the health sector. It shows that current health expenditure...

New document on Maldives health expenditure 2020 is now available
New document on Maldives health expenditure 2020 is now available

The 11th Maldives Health Statistics 2020 shows Maldives government’s commitment to provide better health service and social health protection through continuously increased allocation of the budget to the health sector. It shows that current health expenditure...

Niger: SRMNIA-Nut investment file validation workshop

The members of the technical committee responsible for developing and monitoring the implementation of the SRMNIA-Nut project will meet this Thursday, March 10, 2022 at the Radison Blu Hotel in Niamey. The meeting is also available online (see link and code) in the...

Budget to finance Social Health Insurance benefits is defined for 2022
Budget to finance Social Health Insurance benefits is defined for 2022

As part of regular communication with the public, the Social Health Insurance Fund of Kazakhstan publishes explanatory materials for the purpose of awareness building. A ecent publication reminds readers that mandatory social health insurance system was...

National social protection strategy (2019-2025), Jordan

The Jordanian National Social Protection Strategy articulates the Government’s commitment to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty and provide a social protection floor in the context of the Kingdom’s vision for a state that has social justice, equity, and...

Niger: FBR strategic plan enrichment workshop

On March 8 and 9, 2021, a workshop to enrich the strategic plan for results-based financing (RBF) and free healthcare in the health sector is being held at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Niamey. The meeting will be attended by the technical and financial partners of the...

$663mln spent to combat COVID-19 pandemic in Bahrain
$663mln spent to combat COVID-19 pandemic in Bahrain

Bahrain spent an estimated BD250 million on healthcare measures related to the coronavirus (Covid-19) in the last two years. It includes the amount for treatment, testing, facemasks, gloves and vaccines among others. The country is working towards achieving the...