Following the introduction of the ACT-A process guide to the P4H Country Focal Person (CFP), the CFP initiated the process of consensus building at the WHO Country Office Namibia. Discussions with World Health Organization Representative (WR) Namibia: The P4H CFP...
The Access to COVID-19 Tools – Accelerator (ACT-A) process guide for budgetary dialogue introduced from the P4H Global Coordination Desk to the Country Focal Persons (CFP) Namibia
The Global Coordination Desk Core Team members presented the ACT-A process guide for national budgetary dialogue tool and opportunity to the P4H Country Focal Person (CFP) Namibia on 7th October 2021. The CFP Ethiopia along with the African Regional Office (AFRO)...
Cross country learnings for initiating dialogue in the countries
P4H provided platform and promoted dialogues, experience sharing between countries, regional office, global experts and global coordination desk. The Country Focal Person (CFP) Namibia had the opportunity to have regular interactions with other CFPs like the CFP in...
P4H CFP engaging with the Ministry of Health and Social Service (MOHSS) in Namibia
The P4H Country Focal Person (CFP) Namibia engaged with the head of the Policy and Planning Department in the MOHSS Namibia and conducted an in-depth discussion on the process guide for national budgetary dialogue and the opportunity through ACTA. The discussion...
Development of the presentation to collaborate with Government and Partners
Following the inputs from the WHO Namibia office, orientation from the Global Coordination Desk as well as Regional Support, and learnings from other countries, the Country Focal Person (CFP) Namibia developed an introductory presentation on the discussion of the...
P4H CFP continued dialogue with the MOHSS to discuss the priorities
The P4H Country Focal Person continues liaison with the Ministry of Health in Namibia towards budgetary dialogue in the context of COVID-19. Discussion with Deputy Director Budget and Finance: There were discussions with Deputy Director Budget and Finance who...
Small task force of the UHC Committee to agree on the potential areas of support through ACT-A
A small task force from the UHC Committee consisting of representative from WHO, MoHSS – Policy and Planning Department, USAID and Abt Associates was constituted and convened in Namibia. The task force discussed different options, developed a matrix of possible area...
P4H CFP Engagement with Partners and Ministry to promote joint ownership
The P4H Country Focal Person (CFP) made a presentation at the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Committee meeting with the objective of taking the initiative further and promoting joint ownership towards the budget dialogue. The presentation focused on ACT-A initiative,...
Togo: FCFA 19 billion planned for universal health coverage in 2022
For this year, the Togolese government plans to devote 19 billion FCFA to Universal Health Coverage (UHC), according to official information. This represents 18% of the resources allocated to the Ministry of Health (which stand at 105.4 billion FCFA), according to the...
Duty charged from harmful substances to health to go to Public Health Fund in Maldives
In Maldives, the Public Health Fund has been established under the Public Health Protection Act as a source of finance for public health related purposes. Currently, Public Health Fund Regulation has been enacted. Following the regulation, fines charged under...
ToR for CFP in Kuwait: Technical Support for Health Financing Review, Establishment of Health Economics & Financing Unit, and related Capacity Building
As P4H Country Focal Person (CFP) for Kuwait, Henrik Axelson will provide support to the government and development partners in carrying out a health financing assessment using the Health Financing Progress Matrix (HFPM), establishing a Health Economics and Financing...
Healthcare’s share of national budget in Iran surges twofold
The proposed budget in Iran amounted to about 24.357 quadrillion rials (about $580 billion), with a 20-percent rise from the current year’s budget. The health system accounts for approximately 17 percent of the total public budget. Over 90 percent of the health...
First mission to Kuwait – Debriefing to Ministry of Health Kuwait
Background The Ministry of Health (MOH) of Kuwait has requested the World Health Organization (WHO) to provide support to strengthening its capacity to use health economics and financing tools and approaches to inform the design, planning, implementation, and...
Meet Henrik Axelson, our new P4H CFP working in Kuwait!
Henrik Axelson is an independent consultant based in Cairo and originally from Sweden. He is a health economist and health financing practitioner with more than 20 years of experience of providing technical assistance and policy advice to governments of low and...
Tajikistan’s Government approved the Strategy for Population Health Protection until 2030
The Strategy for Population Health Protection until 2030 was approved by Decree No. 414 of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on September 30, 2021. This strategy defines direction of reforms in the healthcare system and provides ways for further development...