Ensuring adequate access to quality health services, whether preventative or curative, is critical for a country to ensure that its population attain better health outcomes. In this context, universal health coverage (UHC), embedded within sustainable development...
The complex quest for coordinated health financing in Cambodia
A German-supported coordination mechanism, and one key advisor in particular, indicate a possible way forward with the big ‘4Gs’. ‘Donor harmonisation depends a lot on individuals’, mused a somewhat disenchanted Bart Jacobs, long-time social health...
Ethiopia Essential Health Services Package – informed by evidence on cost and cost-effectiveness
To make progress towards UHC, countries should prioritize and clearly define the type and mix of health services that should be provided in response to population needs. To ensure that the package can be funded and provided as planned, the resources needed to...
Tanzania National Five Year Development Plan 2021/22 – 2025/26
2021 Congress – International Health Economics Association
The theme of this year’s congress is "Health Economics in a Time of Global Change". Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the iHEA Board has taken the decision that the 2021 iHEA Congress will be held virtually. The focus of the virtual event will be on...
Thailand: More funding for NHSO to compensate for serious vaccine side effects
The government has allocated an additional 30 million baht to the National Health Security Office to be used to pay compensation to people who suffer rare serious side effects from inoculation with COVID-19 vaccines. ...
Malaysia is rolling out US $9.62 Billion financial aid package ‘Pemerkasa Plus’
The government is rolling out a mammoth RM40 billion (US$ 9.62 Bn) financial aid package named Pemerkasa Plus to render support to the healthcare sector to effectively battle the Covid-19 pandemic and ensure that the nation's healthcare system remains...
Bangladesh boosts health budget by 4% but analysts call it a ‘missed’ opportunity
As part of the government’s efforts to redress the fallout of the pandemic, the Bangladesh Parliament announced a Tk 327.31 billion outlay on health and family welfare in the proposed Tk 6.04 trillion spending plan. Set against the backdrop of a devastating...
PhilHealth has released 6.3 billion PHP (Philippine peso worth of claims of hospitals
The Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) has released P6.3-billion worth of claims of hospitals in high-risk areas in the battle against COVID-19. The funds were released through the debit-credit payment program to around 206 health institutions. PhilHealth...
Tools to help civil society actors understand public financing for health in the context of UHC
Understanding public financing for health is critical to effective advocacy to advance efforts to implement universal health coverage (UHC). A new toolkit developed by UHC2030 and PMNCH aims to give civil society and other stakeholders a better understanding of the...
Korea considers another extra budget without debt sale: Finance minister
Korean government is planning for another extra budget without issuing government bonds as it is expected to collect more tax revenue this year amid an economic recovery. The extra budget, if created, will be used to accelerate the COVID-19 vaccine rollout,...
Constant development in Thailand to make Universal Coverage Scheme on par with other health schemes
One of the most sought-after health coverage schemes in Thailand is the Civil Servant Medical Benefit Scheme (CSMBS) which, among other things provides the freedom of choice when choosing a hospital where they seek services. Thus it is seen as a benchmark by many...
For Universal Healthcare, the Philippines Tries “Sin Taxes”
Rising healthcare costs in The Philippines owing to inadequate public investment prevents citizens from going for regular checkups and the country from achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC). To address this, three laws that have come into legislation in the recent...
Russia has reformed its mandatory health insurance system to improve governance and clarify responsibilities of stakeholders
Russian Federation has enforced a Law on the Reform of the Mandatory Health Insurance (MHI) System since January of this year. The document enabled the transfer of the powers of insurers in controlling and financing of medical care to the Federal office of the...
Ukraine is planning to launch a health insurance system in 2023
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky instructed the Government to develop a health insurance model of health care, the introduction of which was promised in his election program. According to the orders given by the President, the Law on Health Insurance should be...