Registration form for the 3rd training session on the ''ONEHEALTH'' planning and budgeting tool. IDYNAM PLUS is pleased to offer you its 3rd training session of the year 2020 on the practical use of the planning and budgeting tool ''ONEHEALTH''. This training course...
Adjustments to the procurement of health services as part of the response to COVID-19: Results of a brief survey and lessons for the future
By Inke Mathauer, Fahdi Dkhimi, Matthew Townsend World Health Organization The full report is available here. COVID-19 continues to have a devastating impact on healthcare systems, and countries around the world are reconfiguring the delivery of healthcare services to...
3rd training session on the ”ONEHEALTH” planning and budgeting tool – Burkina Faso 2020
IDYNAM PLUS is pleased to offer you its 3rd training session of the year 2020 on the practical use of the planning and budgeting tool ''ONEHEALTH''. This training course is scheduled to run from November 30 to December 11, 2020 in Bobo Dioulasso (Burkina Faso)....
(Blog, GFP FMI)
"In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries set up extra-budgetary funds (EBFs)[2] to mobilize resources and streamline emergency spending measures. A recently published IMF note examines the role these funds may play in the current crisis. The note...
Financing the healthcare system: the government commits to adopting a performance-based strategy (PBF) – Côte D’Ivoire – September 2014
Financing autonomous hospitals (yes, another lesson from COVID-19)
Health systems around the world are being shaken to their foundations by the COVID-19 pandemic. By shedding light on latent risks or problems of which we were unaware, the crisis represents a major test for our analytical frameworks, the way we have structured our...
COVID-19: transformative actions for more equitable, resilient, sustainable societies and health systems in the Americas Summary box ► COVID-19 has exposed structural deficiencies in health, social and economic policies and sectors in the Americas impacting the resilience of health systems and societies. ►Due to the pandemic, the region of the...
Costing data collection training presentation
Presentation on HIBP costing study training by Dr. Arthorn
2017 Health Financing Profile India (WHO)
2015-2016 National Health Accounts India
Registration form 2nd practical training session on the planning and budgeting tool (ONEHEALTH) – Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso
Prospectus for OHT 2020 training session 2 in Burkina Faso
RSBY – Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana, health insurance for the poor
In the past, the Government had tried to provide a health insurance cover to selected beneficiaries either at the State level or National level. However, most of these schemes were not able to achieve their intended objectives. Often there were issues with either the...
Employee State Insurance Scheme – Social Health Insurance for Workers
The Employee State Insurance Scheme of India is legislated by the Employees' State Insurance Act of 1948, the first major legislation on social security for workers in independent India. The intention then was to contribute to socio-economic improvements for...
Draft Lao PDR Health Financing Strategy 2021 – 2025
Draft Lao PDR Health Financing Strategy 2021 - 2025 based on the samthid direction. This health financing strategy was drafted by the Department of Finance, Ministry of Health with support by the World Health Organization.