The strategy (2018-2030) has four strategic thrusts which are: increasing the mobilization of financial resources, strengthening the pooling of resources, developing strategic purchasing mechanisms for benefits and services and finally strengthening governance in...
Burkina Faso SNFS Operational Action Plans
The operational schedule has been drawn up for 03 years, covering the period 2018 to 2020. For each measure selected, it describes the priority activities to be carried out in order to achieve the expected results. A total of 109 activities have been selected for the...
ToR SNFS validation workshop October 2018 BFA
General objective The general objective of this workshop is to validate the draft versions of the two documents (SNFS and PAO). Specific objectives Present draft versions of both documents to workshop participants, Gather improvement contributions from participants,...
Plan d’opérationnalisation de la SNFS au Buirkina Faso 2018-2020
This strategy document is a tool for guiding health financing initiatives to achieve universal health coverage, and provides an appropriate framework for coordinating the actions of the various players involved in health financing. As part of the operationalization of...
This is the final version of the SNFS submitted by the drafting group to the cabinet of the Ministry of Health. It will be shared ahead of a validation workshop scheduled for October 9.
Catastrophic and impoverishment health expenditures in Burkina Faso 2018 english
The government of Burkina Faso has embarked on a process leading to universal health coverage with the enactment of Law N° 060-2015/CNT on a universal health insurance scheme (RAMU) in 2015. Based on the defined timing, the year 2018 should be devoted to the...
Overview health financing activities for UHC- updated September 2019
Fiscal Strategy Statement (FSS) for 2019-2023 Sierra Leone
Review of the general state budget 2020 in Angola
The country’s minister of finance said the current review of the state budget would be done with a reference estimate of the oil prices below 35 dollars per barrel. The budget was initially drawn up with a reference estimate of 55 dollars per barrel. Link
Algeria cuts public spending but preserves the health sector
Following a meeting of the Council of Ministers chaired by the Head of State, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, on Sunday March 22, Algeria has cut thestate's operating budget by 30%, without affecting civil servants' salaries. Two ministries have been spared the expense...
Review of the budget process in Albania
This review of the budget process of the Republic of Albania was carried out as part of the work programme of the OECD Working Party of Senior Budget Officials. In 2004, the working party established the Network of Senior Budget Officials of Central, Eastern and...
No calm after the storm: time to retool country PFM systems in the health sector
The COVID-19 crisis is impacting every form of government action, including policies and processes around public financial management (PFM). In this blog, we present our common understanding of PFM lessons stemming from the health response to COVID-19 and offer...
CSU National Strategic Plan – 2020-2030
There is a global pandemic – and we still lack fuel and airtime?
Governments around the world are scrambling to get their hands on personal protective equipment, test kits, ventilators and oxygen. But on the frontlines of service delivery in Kenya, we are also hearing about local health officials and facility managers needing money...
How to purchase health services during a pandemic? Purchasing priorities to support the response to COVID-19
As countries around the world respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, their attention is focused on organizing and reconfiguring health care delivery, e.g., testing measures, home care, and increases in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) bed capacity, to meet the changing needs of...