MTEF 2017-2020 Final version
Health budget
CNSS_Seminaire_ AISS MIE
Status report on implementation of the SNPS Action Plan
National Health Policy 2030
According to Mauritania's Minister of Health, this National Health Policy (PNS) will serve as the basic guideline for all actions carried out in the sector for the 2017-2030 period. It is based on an analysis of the sector's situation and takes into account the...
PNDS II 2017-2020 Final version
Volume II of the National Health Development Plan PNDS II (2017-2020) is subdivided into 4 parts: Reminder of the national health context, Strategic priorities Logical framework for intervention Framework for financing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the...
PNDS 2017-2020 volume 4: Monitoring and evaluation plan
Volume 4 of the 2017-2020 PNDS contains the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan with its objectives, mechanism and performance framework.
Copy of chrono SNFS Mauritania 2018 Vers 23_10_2017
Sharing of documents on the occasion of a mission by the WHO IST/WA health financing policy advisor.
Support for the finalization of the diagnosis of the health financing system and drafting of a roadmap for the development of the SNFS in 2018
Under the leadership of the Ministry of Health, a group of focal points including resource persons from the CNAM, the Ministry of Social Action and the Delegate Ministry in charge of the budget is tackling the final phase of the diagnosis of the health financing...