After a COVID-19 related growth slowdown in 2020, Niger’s economic recovery was hit by a series of climate and security shocks in 2021 that deteriorated many economic and social indicators. As a result, GDP growth decelerated to 1.4 percent in 2021, which translated...
National health accounts report from 2015 to 2018 in CAR
Health accounts are a tool for systematically, consistently and exhaustively tracking the flow of resources in a country's healthcare system. In the CAR, they are drawn up on a regular basis and make it possible to assess the total amount allocated to healthcare...
CAR National Health Development Plan 2022-2026
The third-generation National Health Development Plan 2022-2026 (PNDS III) sets itself the challenge of reversing the current high levels of maternal mortality, infant mortality and neonatal mortality, in order to improve the life expectancy of Central Africans. The...
Strengthening MSP/P/AS management in Niger
L'objectif du présent cahier des charges est de créer une vision commune et un récit qui donnera un sens à l'action et alimentera les réformes en cours ou prévues par le SSDP, qui doivent elles-mêmes être fondées sur des capacités renforcées, notamment pour les...
National strategy for financing free health care in Niger
This strategy, based on linking the FBR to free healthcare and stimulating demand for healthcare through the FBR Communautaire, has been drawn up to guide the Nigerien government and its partners on strategic and harmonized implementation methods.
Mapping health financing in Niger
The Republic of Niger joined the GFF in July 2019. The Nigerien government welcomed this partnership as an opportunity to improve the cost-effectiveness and equity of healthcare spending (both public and external) by aligning it with national priorities centered on...
National Health Accounts for Niger-2021
The aim of this report, covering the year 2021, is to analyze national healthcare expenditure globally, and to produce specific sub-accounts for certain diseases and conditions of greatest concern to the healthcare sector.
Presentation of INAM Niger
INAM: A central tool in the reform of free health care and health financing in Niger. It was under this theme that INAM's Managing Director presented the institute to the National Assembly on November 17, 2023.
Reflecting on the creation of a Virtual Common Fund for free admission
The National Institute of Medical Assistance has organized a day of reflection with a view to setting up a Virtual Common Fund for free healthcare on April 15, 2023. The aim is to initiate mobilization to define the technical and administrative foundations of a FCV,...
Niger Health and Social Development Plan 2022-2026
Le cadrage financier du PDSS 2022-2026 a été basé sur des données programmatiques, à l'aide de l'outil de budgétisation One Health. Le scénario moyen quantifie un budget prévisionnel pour le PDSS 2022-2026 de 1 513 063 866 310 francs CFA, soit environ 2 521 773 110...
National health financing strategy for Niger-2023
The national health financing strategy aims to make Niger a nation where the entire population, without socio-economic distinction, has equitable access to quality health and social services, based on sustainable financing that respects the principles of equity and...
Annuaire des statistiques sanitaires du Niger-2021
L'annuaire des statistiques représente le document national de référence de partage des satistiques sanitaires au Niger. Il compile les données de routine des différents niveaux du système de santé (Publiques et privées) ainsi que les données de campagne de masse....
Functioning of the Health Economics Unit in Senegal
La Cellule d’économie de la santé (CES) a été mise en place pour assurer le suivi de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie nationale de financement de la santé et pour renforcer les analyses dans le domaine de l’économie de la santé afin de proposer des stratégies...
Review of strategic purchasing mechanisms in Senegal
In order to better coordinate its efforts towards UHC, Senegal has developed a health financing strategy, which focuses on strategic choices to improve health protection and the sustainability of financing.
Public Financial Management’s Impact on Health in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Quantitative Review
This paper, published in the Health Systems and Reform Journal, explores the correlation between Public Financial Management (PFM) quality and health outcomes in sub-Saharan African countries from 2005 to 2018. Public financial management (PFM) theory suggests that...