The National Strategy for Health Financing in Mali and the written Communication were sent to the General Secretariat of the Government for the inter-ministerial meeting (between technicians) before the Council of Ministers stage. The draft UHIP law, which has not yet...
Mali’s National Health Financing Strategy
Notice of MSAH meeting
Matrix Action Plan 2018-2023 SNFSCSU101017
Notice of meeting on the 2018-2022 Action Plan of the National Health Financing Strategy for Universal Coverage.
Sharing the new version of the National Health Financing Strategy for the CSU in Mali
The SNFS-CSU will be introduced for adoption by the Council of Ministers in the second half of 2017. The document drawn up between 2013 and 2014 has therefore been revised and updated. The new document will be finalized with a 3- or 5-year action plan to be drawn up...
Social Protection Joint Annual Review took place from 21st to 31st of August 2017
Field trip: 21st to 25th of August JAR workshop: 30th and 31th of August The Joint Annual Review aims at assessing the performance of the Social Protection sector in terms of budget and coverage of the main social protection programmes and make appropriate...
Publication of studies on Extension of social health protection to workers in the informal economy
The study explores the possible strategies to expand Social Protection to small scale farmers, domestic workers and construction workers as well as the requirements for SHI scheme design adjustments to fit the income patterns and employment arrangements which prevail...
Sharing of documents on the occasion of a mission by the health financing policy advisor for the WHO/IST-WA CSU (P4H West Africa focal point) as part of a joint GAVI support mission
Assessing Government’s Fiscal Space For Moving Towards Universal Health Coverage in Cambodia
“In line with the global trend, it becomes clear that the Cambodian, government’s policy direction is leaning toward universal health coverage, the agreed target within the newly ratified Sustainable Development Goals. Thus, the health system will need to be further...
L4UHC for Cambodia – Progress report 2016
The National Social Protection Policy Framework officially launched on 24 July 2017
The Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, during the launching ceremony of National Social Protection Policy Framework 2016-2025, addressed the government’s past achievement in social protection and long term vision in building social health protection system which aims...
Royal Decree on Establishment of National Council for Social Protection Signed June 15, 2017
Following the adoption of National Social Protection Policy Framework 2016-2025, the Royal Decree on Establishment of National Council for Social Protection was signed off by the King Norodom Sihamoni, on 15 June 2017. There are overall five chapters, one of which...