The Prime Minister Decision No.21 stipulates the State Budget shall ensure the funding of the Covid-19 vaccination, following the principle of decentralization of State budget. The Prime Minister Decision No.21 stipulates the State Budget shall ensure the funding of the Covid-19 vaccination, following the principle of decentralization of State budget.
Union Home Minister of India, Mr. Amit Shah has announced the extension of Ayushman Bharat – Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY) under the convergence scheme ‘Ayushman CAPF’. The scheme will benefit 10 lakhs CAPF personnel and their families. The beneficiary...
In August 2020, The Parliament of Mongolia approved new amendments into the Health insurance law of Mongolia, the Health law of Mongolia, and the Law on Medicine and medical devices of Mongolia. These laws’ amendments are aimed at improving the efficiency of...
The Philippines has seen relatively more challenges due to the Covid-19 Pandemic than perhaps its other South-east Asian counterparts. Despite the crafting of the historic Universal Health Care (UHC) Law over two years ago, the Pandemic has exposed several gaps in...
The Singapore Government's commitment to safeguarding public health and the future of its citizens especially in the wake of COVID 19 can be seen in the over 40% share of this year’s Budget that goes to the COVID-19 Resilience Package. Mr. Heng Swee Keat, the...
Бенинское правительство хочет заставить замолчать слухи, ложно приписываемые мерам по предоставлению бесплатного медицинского обслуживания. С 2016 года, по словам министра, эта мера направлена на защиту граждан от финансовых барьеров на пути к получению качественной...
The Beninese government wants to silence the rumors falsely attributed to the free healthcare measure. Since 2016, this measure aims to preserve, according to the Minister, the individual against financial barriers to access to quality care, especially vulnerable...
On January 11, a videoconference workshop was held to validate the protocol of the study on the review of existing strategic purchasing mechanisms implemented by the Group. implemented in Senegal. The aim is to validate the said protocol with a view to drawing up...
On January 11, a videoconference workshop was held to validate the protocol of the study on the review of existing strategic purchasing mechanisms implemented by the Group. implemented in Senegal. The aim is to validate the said protocol with a view to drawing up...
Senegal organized 48 hours of exchanges with the aim of drawing up the Terms of Reference for a study on catastrophic healthcare expenditure over the period 2014-2019. January 13 and 14 were decisive for the experts invited to these exchanges. Around...
Сенегал организовал 48-часовые дискуссии с целью разработки технического задания для исследования катастрофических расходов на здравоохранение в период 2014-2019 гг. 13 и 14 января стали решающими для экспертов, приглашенных на эти дискуссии. Вокруг...
Authors: Soonman KWON and Eunkyoung KIM Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has disrupted all aspects of our global society and economies and progress towards universal health coverage (UHC), further worsening structural fragilities and deepening inequalities (1)....
The Health Financing Progress Matrix (HFPM) is WHO’s standardized assessment of country health financing systems using a set of evidence-informed benchmarks, which are also referred to as desirable attributes. Each attribute represents one...
The report “Global Spending on Health: Weathering the Storm” is based on the newly updated Global Health Expenditure Database (GHED). It is the 4th in a series of annual reports on global health spending that WHO has produced since 2017. The report...
Ten years of the " Free-Performance-Based Financing " policy in Burundi - what lessons can we learn from it ? Blog published on December 13 2020 by Alexandre Nimubona click here to access content