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500 results
COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor, Republic of Korea
COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor, Republic of Korea
Korea, Republic of

The Asia Pacific Observatory on Health Systems and Policies published a report on the Health System Response Monitor (HSRM). It is designed to collect and organize up-to-date information on how countries are responding to the coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19)...

Financing autonomous hospitals (yes, another lesson from COVID-19)
Financing autonomous hospitals (yes, another lesson from COVID-19)

Health systems around the world are being shaken to their foundations by the COVID-19 pandemic. By shedding light on latent risks or problems of which we were unaware, the crisis represents a major test for our analytical frameworks, the way we have structured our...

Use of costing results and social accountability in Cambodia

Many low-and middle-income countries (LMICs), such as Cambodia, have undertaken significant reforms in the last decade to strengthen their health care systems to improve equity and accelerate progress towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC). In this context, health...

Health system measures in Hungary – COVID-19 – June 2020

The health system measures put into place in Hungary to contain the spread of COVID-19 are: - On 4 April, the government announced a HUF 663 billion (1.4% of GDP) Epidemic Prevention Fund to cover additional health spending, including a 20% wage increase for health...