By Ms. Tsolmongerel Tsilaajav; Dr. Inke Mathauer and Dr. Valeria de Oliveira Cruz Thus far, most countries of the South-East Asia Region (SEAR) COVID-19 confirmed cases have occured in clusters. [1] Many governments in the region have relied by and large on...
Health Financing and Public Expenditure in The Gambia
Health financing is one of the main pillars of the health care system and a decisive factor in its performance in terms of equity, efficiency, and quality. It requires collaboration between the government, donors, other partners and beneficiaries. In The Gambia,...
National Health and Social Welfare Financing Policy in Liberia
Recognizing that health and social care are key factors for human development, and in the context of a national strategy for social and economic growth, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in Liberia led the development of a holistic National Policy and Plan for...
Health Financing in Sierra Leone
In view of the commitment of the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC), there is an urgent need to consider its financing. To this end, the GoSL has embarked on the development of a health financing strategy and outlined...

Short update on Health Financing in Ghana
Over the past two decades, Ghana has worked towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC) through targeted reforms of the health care system and financing. This requires improving access to health services and expanding financial protection, especially for poor and...
The COVID-19 crisis is a good opportunity to align Burkina Faso’s health financing systems: let’s not waste it!
The COVID-19 crisis offers Burkina Faso the opportunity to implement a more coherent approach to health financing. All eyes are currently on the healthcare system because of the COVID-19 crisis, and at the heart of the response to this COVID-19 crisis lies Burkina...
Efficiency in the provision of health services (allocation and use) in Mozambique – 23 March 2018
Group work on purchasing and Pooling Payments in Mozambique – October 2018
Never let a good crisis go to waste . . . is COVID-19 an opportunity to align health financing systems in Burkina Faso?
The COVID-19 crisis offers Burkina Faso the chance to land on a more coherent approach to health financing. All sights are trained on the health system right now because of the COVID-19 crisis, and within the COVID-19 response lies Burkina Faso’s best chance at...
UHC Bill
Setting up of the Teachnical Group to prepare the UHC Bill to be presented to Parlamentarians
National Health Accounts 2015 – Gambia
Financement de la santé et la riposte contre COVID-19 au Benin
Efficient use of mobilized resources Efforts have been made to ensure rationalized use of resources in several ways. Pooling of resources has been implemented through the creation of pool funds in several countries. For example in Comoros where a single account...
Financing Strategies for the Cape Verdean Health Sector
The evolution of the Cape Verdean health system has been positive over the last 20 years, but some challenges remain. Particular emphasis is placed on responding to short and medium-term pressures, the challenges and performance of the health sector, its...
Report on catastrophic expenditure and the impact of direct payments on household impoverishment in Mauritania base 2014
Equity in healthcare financing is one of the three main objectives of every healthcare system, alongside the achievement of an optimal level of health and responsiveness. The aim of this study is to contribute to the analysis of the dimensions of health financing,...
Coherent health financing for the COVID-19 response: a perspective from the Philippines
MAKING PURCHASING FIT FOR PURPOSE In the Philippines, the COVID-19 response has called for rapid adaptation of purchasing arrangements. In early 2019, the Philippines passed a Universal Health Care (UHC) Law that envisions the national health insurance agency...