As countries around the world respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, their attention is focused on organizing and reconfiguring health care delivery, e.g., testing measures, home care, and increases in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) bed capacity, to meet the changing needs of...
Prioridades para el financiamiento de salud en la respuesta al COVID-19
Actualmente, todos los países del mundo se encuentran afectados por la pandemia de COVID-19. La necesidad de actuar es urgente, pero la respuesta debe ser coherente. Sería de poca ayuda si la urgencia del momento conduce al caos en la forma en que los países y la...
How to budget for COVID-19 response? A quick scan of the budgetary mechanisms in the most affected developed countries.
The COVID-19 pandemic requires sufficient public funding to ensure a comprehensive response. The reprioritization of public spending to protect the economy and strengthen the health system's response requires timely action by government leaders and a favorable...
Priorities for health financing systems in response to COVID-19
To date, every country in the world has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Action is urgently needed, but the response must be coherent. It will do no good if the urgency of the moment leads to chaos in the response of both countries and the international...
Priority health financing challenges to combat COVID-19
On April 02, 2020, the Health Financing Team of WHO shared views on Priorities for the Health Financing Response to COVID-19 that reflected collective effort and thinking of WHO's health financing experts working in WHO's Headquarters and Regional Offices. This...
Priority health financing challenges to combat COVID-19
On April 02, 2020, the Health Financing Team of WHO shared views on Priorities for the Health Financing Response to COVID-19 that reflected collective effort and thinking of WHO's health financing experts working in WHO's Headquarters and Regional Offices. This...
Priorities for the Health Financing Response to COVID-19
By now, every country in the world is affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The need to act is urgent, but the response must be coherent. It will be of little help if the urgency of the moment leads to chaos in how countries and the global community respond. This...
How do you budget for the COVID-19 response? A rapid analysis of budgetary mechanisms in heavily affected countries
Hélène Barroy (World Health Organization, Headquarters); Ding Wang (World Health Organization, Regional Office for the Americas); Claudia Pescetto (World Health Organization, Headquarters); Joseph Kutzin (World Health Organization, Headquarters). 1) Use existing...
Strategic Directions for Financing Universal Health Coverage in Myanmar
Strategic Directions for Financing Universal Health Coverage in Myanmar includes recommendations from national consultations and study visits. It was published in May 2019.
Strengthening Quality in Cambodia Health System to Achieve Universal Health Coverage EQHA,
Presentation by Bruno Bouchet, MD, MPH (FHI 360) on mapping healthcare quality improvement interventions by all partners in Cambodia and his recommendations for USAID-EQHA project to contribute to Strengthening Quality in Cambodia Health System to Achieve Universal...
Building a Quality Health System in Cambodia: Lessons from International Experience
Presentation by Bruno Bouchet, MD, MPH, Director Health Systems Strengthening, FHI 360, Washington DC office. From the debriefing meeting on the contribution of USAID-EQHA to building a sustainable quality health system in Cambodia which was held on Nov. 7, 2019 at...
Costing for Universal Health Coverage: Insight into essential economic data from three provinces in Cambodia
Knowledge of the costs of health services improves health facility management and aids in health financing for universal health coverage. Because of resource requirements that are often not present in low- and middle-income countries, costing exercises are rare and...
Maldives National Health Accounts 2015-2017
This round of NHA examined several aspects of health expenditure distributed by disease conditions, age and gender as Maldives is currently experiencing rapid epidemiological transition, non-communicable disease conditions remain a challenge, compounded by several...
ToR for a multi-country study on payment mechanisms for free services (Burkina Faso, Senegal, Niger & Burundi)
The study aims to document the experience of introducing a reimbursement mechanism for health service providers in a group of French-speaking African countries, and to make implementation recommendations to countries considering this mechanism as part of their health...
Review of public spending on health in Burkina Faso
The Health Financing Partnership Department is starting work on a review of public spending on health with the support of the World Bank. The overall aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of public spending on...