IS specifications – draft report 2017 07 25
Budget analysis State of Burkina Faso 2014-2015 Final report
Analysis of the Government's annual budget allocations and expenditures for nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions, in Burkina Faso, in 2014 and 2015.
Allocations-Disbursements PTF Nutrition 2014-2015 Final report
Analysis of allocations (disbursements) by Technical and Financial Partners in favor of specific nutrition-sensitive interventions, in BURKINA FASO, in 2014 and 2015.
Sharing documents: Analysis of budget allocations and TFP spending on nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions in Burkina Faso in 2014 and 2015.
Document sharing: 1. Analysis of allocations (disbursements) by Technical and Financial Partners in favor of specific nutrition-sensitive interventions, in BURKINA FASO, in 2014 and 2015. Extract: The major innovations relate to methodological aspects,...
Report of the 1st meeting of the functional team n°2
2017 09 08 Reunion MFPTPS-MS YK v1.ppt
Third report on free health care_VF
Information sharing: report on the 3rd assessment of free healthcare in Burkina Faso
TDR_Etude de suivi des dépenses jusqu’à destination_PETS version révisée_2014 12 16
Présentation du rapport final de l’étude sur les financements innovants pour la santé
Le bureau d'études OPM fait circuler son rapport final. Voir ci-dessous. 2015_07_30_OPM-Rapport_financements_innovants_Benin_final
Cotonou, 16 Avril 2015 : dernière concertation nationale avant finalisation de la SNFS-CU
Le 5ème rencontre technique du SGTT-RAMU pour l'élaboration de la SNFS-CU au Bénin s'est tenue du 6 au 9 Avril 2015. Ainsi et sur la base de l'ensemble des travaux réalisés entre Décembre 2013 et Avril 2015, la dernière concertation pour la finalisation du document de...
ANAM’s care sheet management software and system
As part of its support for the implementation of the RAMU, PRPSS is distributing the ToR for the development of specifications for the implementation of a software and system for the management of care sheets and the payment of providers....
3rd SGTT-RAMU workshop February 10-14, 2014
The expected results of the SGTT's work are as follows : - Once the basket of services and its cost have been determined, the expected contributions from the State and the population by resource level are...
Exchange meeting on results-based financing (RBF) – November 22, 2013
On 22/11/2013, the Ministry of Health, with the support of BTC and the World Bank-funded PRSSB project, is seeking to coordinate RBF interventions currently underway in Benin.