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Purchasing Archives - Page 4 of 101 - P4H Network
500 results
Malawi National Health Financing Strategy 2023-2030

Malawi is committed to attaining Universal Health Coverage (UHC), aiming to improve access to healthcare services without imposing excessive financial burdens on its citizens. Aligned with international commitments such as the Sustainable Development Goals, Malawi has...

Ethiopia Health Financing Strategy 2022-2031

The document outlines Ethiopia's Health Care Financing Strategy (HCF) spanning 2022-2031, building on past successes and challenges to advance towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC) via Primary Health Care (PHC). It aims to ensure equitable access to essential health...

Health Financing Progress Matrix assessment

This report provides a concise summary of Ethiopia's Health Financing Progress Matrix assessment, identifying strengths and weaknesses in the health financing system, and priority areas of health financing that need to be addressed to drive progress towards Universal...

Strengthening health financing and HTA institutionalization
Strengthening health financing and HTA institutionalization

The World Health Organization (WHO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Ethiopian Health Insurance Services (EHIS) works to address core health financing policy issues and advance health technology assessment (HTA).The World Health Organization...

Technical consultation workshop on primary healthcare financing reforms
Technical consultation workshop on primary healthcare financing reforms

The document outlines the proceedings and outcomes of a Technical Consultation Workshop on Primary Healthcare Financing Reform held in Ethiopia from August 16th to 18th, 2023. The Ministry of Health of Ethiopia organized it with the Ethiopian Health Insurance Service,...

With a budget deficit, Hong Kong needs to optimise healthcare spending
With a budget deficit, Hong Kong needs to optimise healthcare spending

Hong Kong should focus on strategic purchasing to boost primary healthcare to tackle the budget deficit in healthcare says a news report by the South China Morning Post. The article advocates for a reimagining of healthcare financing in Hong Kong, emphasizing the...

Togo health accounts 2017, 2018, 2019

The information comes from primary data for private companies, insurance companies, health mutuals, NGOs and associations, and donors, as well as secondary data for the various ministries, institutions and households. These accounts are produced on the basis of the...

Direct Facility Financing launches in Malawi’s health sector
Direct Facility Financing launches in Malawi’s health sector

Boosting healthcare delivery for universal health coverage: Malawi's Direct Facility Financing (DFF) to revolutionize service delivery! Streamlining health financing, cutting bureaucracy, and empowering facilities for efficient care.To enhance health facility...