This report presents the findings of Namibia’s health sector's first Public Expenditure Review (PER). A PER is a comprehensive analysis of public spending over time, assessing its quantity and quality in relation to policy goals and performance indicators. Among...
Namibia resource tracking for health and HIV/AIDS: 2017/18
This report presents the outcomes of the 2017/18 resource tracking exercise conducted in Namibia, aiming to estimate healthcare and HIV/AIDS response expenditures. The exercise employed an integrated approach, combining the Health Accounts and the National AIDS...
Mozambique National Health Accounts 2015
This report provides a summary of Mozambique's 2015 Health Accounts exercise, which aimed to measure and track total health spending for the country's residents. The Health Accounts captured valuable information regarding the source of funds, type of provider, goods,...
Use of incentives in health supply chains: a review of results based financing in Mozambique’s central medical store
This qualitative review was conducted in March 2013 to evaluate the impact of introducing results-based financing aiming to improve health supply chain performance at Central Medical Store-Central de Medicamentos e Artigos Medicos (CMAM). The intervention linked the...
The Successes of Strategic Purchasing in Thailand
The Southeast Asia Regional Collaborative for Health (SEARCH) is a regional learning network focusing on strategic purchasing for universal health coverage (UHC) in Southeast Asia. The network is housed at Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of...
Event: National high level dialogue on health financing
The countdown to the high-level dialogue on health financing for universal health coverage (UHC) in Kenya has begun! Join us as we pave the way towards sustainable health financing and UHC. Mark your calendars for June 26th-28th June 2023. The meeting will bring...
Senegal: Health accounts report 2014-2016
L'élaboration périodique des comptes de santé permet de renseigner les indicateurs pour le suivi et l'atteinte de plans et stratégies nationaux et internationaux. Les comptes de santé sont de ce fait, un outil précieux d'aide à la décision et à la formulation des...
Côte d’Ivoire-Webinar on strategic purchasing for primary healthcaré lessons from national workshops.
The Global Financing Facility (GFF), the World Bank and the World Health Organization are working together to organize country workshops to help ministries of health tackle this crucial political and technical agenda for the CSU. A webinar is scheduled for Thursday...
Purchasing health services under Egypt’s new Universal Health Insurance law: What are the implications for universal health coverage?
This article from the International Journal of Health Planning and Management assesses the purchasing arrangements of health services laid out in Egypt's Universal Health Insurance Law and its implications on health financing. Abstract Background: Egypt's Universal...
The economic burden incurred by families caring for children with developmental disability in Uganda
This study reveals that households caring for a child with a disability spent more than the national average household expenditure, and the annual cost of illness for all households was more than 100% of the national GDP per capita. In sub-Saharan Africa,...
The Southeast Asia strategic health purchasing registry launched
Developed by the National University of Singapore, the Southeast Asia strategic health purchasing Registry gives an overview of the current landscape of healthcare purchasing in Southeast Asia. Through literature reviews and expert stakeholder interviews, the Registry...
The Minister of Health of Belarus approved Workplan for 2023, aiming for more efficient financing
The Minister of Health of Belarus Dmirtii Pinevich approved the Workplan for the Ministry of Health (MoH) for 2023. The workplan summarized current projects and activities performed in 2022 and outlined the work priorities for 2023.Among ongoing activities, the...
Création d’un comité de pilotage PBF le 16 août 2013
Voir ci-dessous.
Provider Payment Diagnostic and Assessment Guide
Short description This tool helps countries determine their objectives for reform, assess policy options, identify joint learning and technical assistance needs, and progress through the reform process. Purpose The purpose of this tool is to help practitioners and...
Provider Payment Costing Manual
Short description This manual serves as a baseline of knowledge for countries to consult around the different options available to them, and provide concrete examples of how different costing methodologies and data collection strategies work in practice. Purpose The...