Сводки по странам: реформы социальной защиты в области здравоохранения и финансирования здравоохранения
Country Briefs CIS webinar: Social Health Protection and Health Financing Reforms (April 2022)
WEBINAR #2 on social health care reforms and health care financing in the CIS
April 20, 2022 at 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. CET We invite you to share knowledge and regional perspectives on reforms in social protection of health care and health financing in CIS countries. Our speakers will share lessons learned, key achievements and progress toward...
WEBINAR #2 on Social Health Protection and Health Financing Reforms in the CIS
Join us as at we exchange knowledge and regional perspectives of Social health protection and health financing reforms in Commonwealth of Independent States. Our panelists will exchange lessons learned, key achievements, and progress made toward social health...
P4H Webinar on CIS #1: Presenting executive summary, additional resources and a video of the webinar now available on YouTube
On 16 March 2022 the P4H Network hosted the first of two webinars on social health protection and health financing reforms in three countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). P4H hosted the webinar in collaboration with the World Health...
P4H Webinar on CIS #1 – Summary Russian (March 16, 2022)
P4H Webinar on CIS #1 – Summary English (16 March, 2022)
Transition to program budgeting in Uganda: status of the reform and preliminary lessons for health
To make sustainable progress towards universal health coverage (UHC), public health financing is very critical. Uganda has taken major budgetary reforms to optimize budget planning, transparency, and accountability since the early 2000s. The two major reforms over...
Training workshop on strategic purchasing mechanisms (out put financing) for the CSU
Workshop objectives Enable the various stakeholders in healthcare financing to better understand the operating principles of each strategic purchasing mechanism (out put financing), its strengths, weaknesses and opportunities. Obtain proposals on the practical...
A new document on the transition to Program Based Budgeting and its implication on health has been posted on the Uganda country page
The report describes Uganda's transition process to programme-based budget, as a means to better align with public policy priorities and enhance accountability and transparency. It also discusses what the implications are for the health sector. The report...
Webinar Series for Awareness-building on DRG for UHC
TARGET PARTICIPANTS: This e-learning course aims at building up knowledge and learning experiences for participants from countries that want to pursue the universal health coverage policy with payment to acute inpatient care with diagnosis-related group tools. The...
The relationship between health expenditure, CO2 emissions, and economic growth in the BRICS countries
In this study, the researchers used Fourier autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model to study the correlation between health expenditures, CO2 emissions, and GDP fluctuations in BRICS countries from 2000 to 2019. The study presents some interesting findings and...
Healthcare now, pay later: A new way for distress financing in India
Chris George explores an innovative health financing model - embedded finance wherein healthcare services can be availed using a credit card with Zero Percent Interest Rate, thereby addressing the challenges of distress financing for health. Read more about it...
Korea enhanced the COVID-19 response and childbirth care
Summary The Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters (CDSCH) in South Korea held a video conference, attended by the central ministries and 17 major local governments, to discuss the weekly risk evaluation and related response measures, fees paid...