Côte d'Ivoire's investment program has three main components: strategic bottleneck analysis to make the case for greater investment in primary healthcare; evidence-based, high-impact interventions to address priority health system issues; the amount of investment...
Summary of the investment file 2020-2023 Ivory Coast
With politico-social stability restored since 2012, Côte d'Ivoire is enjoying sustained growth of around 8%, and GDP/capita of USD 1,553 (2016) makes it a middle-income country. However, around 46% of the Ivorian population lives below the national poverty line, and...
Fiscal space and efficiency in Côte d’Ivoire
The aim of the study is to identify budgetary room for maneuver in the health sector in Côte d'Ivoire. To do this, it mobilizes two types of approach. The first is an estimate of the State's general budgetary effort, based on methods developed in existing literature,...
“Intercountry Conference on P4H partnership collaboration: Health financing reforms for UHC, 19-20 June 2018, Astana, Kazakhstan”
Host: the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Co-organizers: Republican Center for Health Development of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – RCHD), and P4H– Global Network for Health Financing and Social...
Example of an investment file roadmap
Impact of out of pocket payments on financial risk protection indicators in a setting with no user fees: the case of Mauritius
What has been the progress in addressing financial risk in Uganda? Analysis of catastrophe and impoverishment due to health payments
Plan de présentation – Situation épidémie COVID-19 au Togo – Mai 2020
National Health Accounts 2016 – Ghana
Ghana Health Financing Forum – Report 2019
WHO Health Financing Assessment of Ghana – 2019
Программа экономической и социальной устойчивости Сенегала COVID-19
Основная цель плана действий Министерства здравоохранения и социальной защиты - укрепление потенциала Сенегала в борьбе с эпидемией путем реализации следующих мер: - Выявление подозреваемых и подтвержденных случаев заболевания - Быстрая изоляция таких случаев -...
Senegal Economic and Social Resilience Program COVID-19
The main aim of the contingency plan of the Ministry of Health and Social Action is to strengthen Senegal's capacity to deal with the epidemic through the following measures: - Detecting suspected and confirmed cases - Rapid isolation of said cases - Strengthening...
Health Financing Situation Analysis 2020 Sierra Leone
This report highlights Sierra Leone's high health expenditure yet poor health outcomes, with a maternal mortality rate far exceeding neighboring countries. Key issues include an inequitable resource distribution favoring hospitals over cost-effective primary health...