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Vulnerable people Archives - Page 10 of 118 - P4H Network
588 results
Fighting chronic malnutrition in Niger

To monitor nutrition policies and programs, Niger has carried out a series of annual surveys on malnutrition in children under five at national level (known as SMART surveys) since 2005. The SMART 2021 survey was used for this study. These analyses reveal malnutrition...

Quality of maternal and newborn care in Niger

In Niger, improving the supply, quality and demand for healthcare services is the second strategic focus of the 2017-2021 Health Development Plan. The purpose of this document is to inform users in general, and authorities in particular, in order to help them make...

Contraceptive prevalence and fertility in Niger

Niger's population tripled between 1988 and 2021, from 7.2 to 23.6 million. This strong demographic growth is the result of a high and stable fertility rate, with almost 7 children per woman during this period. This study aims to highlight recent levels and trends in...

Multiple Indicator Demographic and Health Survey (EDSN-MICS IV) 2012

This report presents the main results of the fourth Multiple Indicator Demographic and Health Survey (EDSN-MICS IV), carried out by the National Institute of Statistics (INS) of the Ministry of Finance in collaboration with the technical services of the Ministry of...

Reflections and actions for an FCS 2.0 in Niger

The document, drawn up by Jean François CAREMEL, P4H-CFP in Niger, was prompted by a request from the Secretary General of the Ministry of Health, in the context of the decision to refocus the Fonds Commun Santé on fungible funds: "To develop an analysis to feed into...

Health equity in Niger

The study analyzes several aspects of inequality in the healthcare system: health outcomes, healthcare service utilization, financial protection (FP) and benefit incidence analysis (BIA). It uses the EDS/ENAFEME surveys for health (2006, 2012, 2021), and ECVMA/EHCVM...

Assessing equity and efficiency of health financing towards UHC in Tanzania
Assessing equity and efficiency of health financing towards UHC in Tanzania
Tanzania, United Republic of

A new study suggests promoting equity and efficiency in health financing across 26 regions in Tanzania is crucial to meeting UHC goalsThe peer-reviewed study assesses equity and efficiency in health financing across 26 regions in Tanzania for four funding sources in...

National Health Service Delivery Survey RCA-2019
Central African Republic

The first of its kind in the Central African Republic, this report presents reliable information on the availability of health services, the general operational capacity of services, the availability and operational capacity of specific health services, comprehensive...

Analysis of care packages in CAR-2020
Central African Republic

The aim of this document is to analyze the care packages within the health district proposed in both national guidelines and current international trends, in order to propose interventions appropriate to the current situation in CAR, which will be the subject of the...

Evaluation of the BPF health project in CAR
Central African Republic

This report evaluates Cordaid's Performance-Based Financing (PBF) driven health project in Nana Mambéré prefecture, health region 2, during the political and humanitarian crisis from March 2013 until May 2014 to see if PBF was able to respond to the emergency...

National Community Health Policy CAR 2020-2030
Central African Republic

The community health policy stems from the presidential impetus for the CSU, where we note a preoccupation with bringing care closer to the population, guided by equity and the concern to spare families from certain expenses linked to distance and delays in care.The...

CAR National Health Development Plan 2022-2026
Central African Republic

The third-generation National Health Development Plan 2022-2026 (PNDS III) sets itself the challenge of reversing the current high levels of maternal mortality, infant mortality and neonatal mortality, in order to improve the life expectancy of Central Africans. The...

National social protection policy in Niger

The Government's adoption of the National Social Protection Policy reflects its desire and commitment to promote a new form of governance that encourages public authorities to accept and assume full responsibility for providing more extensive social protection...

National strategy for financing free health care in Niger

This strategy, based on linking the FBR to free healthcare and stimulating demand for healthcare through the FBR Communautaire, has been drawn up to guide the Nigerien government and its partners on strategic and harmonized implementation methods.