The second decree, adopted by the Council of Ministers on June 12, approves the status of the Institut national d'assistance médicale (INAM). The Institute is under the technical supervision of the Ministry of Health and the financial supervision of the Ministry of...
Decree creating the National Institute for Medical Assistance in Niger
On January 12, 2023, the Nigerien government established INAM as a public administrative institution with the mission of implementing policies, strategies and reforms relating to the financing and delegated management of free healthcare for vulnerable populations by...
Guide to monitoring and evaluating the SSDP in Niger 2022-2026
Ce cadre est un outil conçu pour rassembler les différents éléments nécessaires à l'évaluation des progrès réalisés dans la mise en œuvre du plan de développement sanitaire et social (PDSS) 2022-2026, sur la base d'indicateurs clés sélectionnés et clairement...
Annuaire des statistiques sanitaires du Niger-2021
L'annuaire des statistiques représente le document national de référence de partage des satistiques sanitaires au Niger. Il compile les données de routine des différents niveaux du système de santé (Publiques et privées) ainsi que les données de campagne de masse....
Health Insurance Fund reported how much it spent on rural healthcare in 2023
Rural health care was one of Ministry of Healthcare’s priorities in 2023 in Kazakhstan. The Social Health Insurance Fund summarized its spending in 2023 and reported that 600 billion tenge, or 24% of its overall budget of 2.5 trillion tenge for health services covered...
Social Health Insurance Fund: the percent of fully covered people remains at 84% since the launch of health insurance
The Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF) of Kazakhstan has reported that since the launch of the national mandatory social health insurance on January 1, 2020: the number of fully insured people -- those who have access to both the guaranteed services basket and the...
Social Protection in Pakistan: Reforms for Inclusive Equity
The author discusses the ongoing issue of poverty in Pakistan, where over a quarter of the population struggles to meet basic needs, despite a decline in absolute poverty over time. Although the number of impoverished individuals exceeds that of 1947, various poverty...
Belize enhances financial access to health services
In the Americas, financial access to health services continues to be a challenge. Countries find different ways and strategies to tackle this issue. Belize has recently removed all fees charged in public hospitals in the country lifting the financial barrier to...
The Irish Health System Financing
The health system in the Republic of Ireland is financed through a combination of public and private funds. The Health Services Executive manages the public services, largely funded through the national budget. Although the government substantially funds the Irish...
Tanzania enacts the Universal Health Insurance Bill
On November 1, 2023, the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania enacted the Universal Health Insurance Bill, a pivotal piece of legislation aimed at ensuring widespread access to healthcare services for citizens through a comprehensive health insurance system....
Kenya: President signs four new healthcare bills into law
On 17 October, Kenya's President, William Ruto signed the four healthcare bills, Social Health Insurance Bill, Primary Health Care Bill, Facility Improvement Financing Bill, and Digital Health Bill into law after they were passed by the Parliament recently.The Social...
Comparison of Health Care Coverage for Migrant Workers in the GCC
This policy note compares the healthcare coverage for migrant workers in the six GCC states – Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. This report solely examines the legal provisions and does not evaluate migrant workers’ actual...
Stakeholders call for sustainable health financing at the Tanzania Health Summit
The 10th Tanzania Health Summit was held from 3-5 October in Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania under the theme, 'Strengthening health systems for UHC, focusing on Primary Health Care.'The conference saw participation from various stakeholders of the health sector in Tanzania...
Africa Regional Conference on Financing UHC and Health Security
The National Health Insurance Authority of Ghana WHO (Africa Region) organised the first regional conference on financing universal health coverage (UHC) and health security from 12 to 13 October in Accra, Ghana.As powered by the NHIS and the WHO from October 12 to...
Costs incurred by people receiving tuberculosis treatment in low-income and middle-income countries: a meta-regression analysis
A research paper issued in the October 2023 Edition of Lancet Global Health analyses the cost of tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment households in low income countries, providing evidence for the need to reduce economic barriers to treatment. Summary Background...