This report, available in English and Spanish, presents the findings of a literature review conducted to inform our understanding of the context in Honduras to expand social protection in health to women who are at risk of migration, as well as other vulnerable...
8% of the population in Honduras has no access to health care
In Honduras there is a health system integrated by the public and private sectors. The public sector is composed of the Ministry of Health (financed with resources from the national budget), which provides services to 60% of the population, and the Honduran...
New documents available on the Honduras country page
New documents available on the Honduras country page.
Honduran Social Security Institute seeks to expand coverage with new law
The executive director of the IHSS, Adriana Zúñiga, proposes to the health commission of the National Congress that the institute joins the efforts for the creation of the new Social Security Law, allowing the expansion of coverage based on updated actuarial studies....
Dominican Republic UHC Study
This 2018 publication is part of the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Studies Series launched in 2013 with the objective of sharing knowledge regarding pro-poor reforms advancing UHC in developing countries. The series is aimed at policy-makers and UHC reform...
Expanding Social Health Protection for Migrant Women in the Dominican Republic
Migrants are vulnerable population, often a forgotten segment of countries’ populations, not only in the Americas. Their access to health coverage without facing financial ruin faces particular challenges. This report presents findings from a rapid assessment...
The Dominican Bar Association called on the National Social Security Council to provide coverage to independent professionals.
Article 60 of the Constitution of the Dominican Republic establishes that everyone has the right to social security, and Article 61 speaks specifically about the right to health. Law 87-01 of 2001 creates the National Social Security System in the Dominican Republic....
New documents available on the Dominican Republic website
New documents available on the Dominican Republic country page / Nuevos documentos disponibles en la página país de la República Dominicana Dominican Republic UHC Study | P4H Network Expanding Social Health Protection for Migrant Women in the Dominican Republic | P4H...
An equity analysis on the household costs of accessing and utilising maternal and child health care services in Tanzania
One of the most cited barriers to accessing health services in most low and middle-income countries is distance to the facility, not only geographically but also financially. Direct and time costs of accessing and using health care may limit health care access, impact...
Two decades of Tanzanian health policy: examining policy developments and opportunities through a gender lens
Tanzania has undertaken important health sector reforms in the last decade with the goal of attaining universal health coverage (UHC). In the recent Health Sector Strategic Plan (2021–26), the country lays out ambitious targets to achieve UHC. Yet, women in Tanzania...
Health services availability and readiness moderate cash transfer impacts on health insurance enrolment: evidence from the LEAP 1000 cash transfer program in Ghana
Ensuring universal health coverage (UHC) is a priority under Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG3). To address the intersection between poverty and health and remove cost barriers, the government of Ghana established the national health insurance scheme (NHIS). To...
The Lancet Nigeria Commission: investing in health and the future of the nation
Health is central to the development of any country. Most countries including Nigeria have committed to provide access to quality health care without the financial burden to its population to ensure health for all. However, major obstacles still persist among them...
PNG’s new health plan: “Leaving no one behind is everybody’s business”
Papua New Guinea’s PNG) new health plan should receive more attention. The plan is well-rounded and very realistic in terms of what it hopes to accomplish, but it is also “home-grown” instead of being drafted by international experts. National health planning is an...
Cameroon: Concept note on free malaria care
Fighting maternal and infant mortality through effective and sustainable free malaria care: Concept note for Swiss TPH's proposed pilot project.
Cameroon: Workshop on free malaria care
A workshop on the feasibility and sustainability of a financing mechanism for free malaria care in Cameroon was held from July 19 to 22, 2022 in Kribi, Cameroon. The workshop had three objectives, broken down into the following expected results :...