In this article, the authors critically examined the financial potential of informal sector entities, assessing their ability to prepay for health care and influence decisions regarding the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) financing approaches in Kenya. Data were...
Households forgoing healthcare as a measure of financial risk protection: an application to Liberia
This paper explores financial risk associated with access to healthcare services in Liberia. It also proposes a method to complement the standard financial risk protection measures in the WHO/World Bank global monitoring framework for Universal Health Coverage (UHC)....
Working short and working long: can primary healthcare be protected as a public good in Lebanon today?
Protracted conflict in Lebanon has been a threat to the public healthcare system and the public Primary Healthcare Network (PHCN) in the country now aggravated by the COVID 19 Pandemic. This article looks at the challenges including the COVID 19, the civil war and the...
Exploring the determinants of distress health financing in Cambodia
"The authors investigated distress health financing parctices and associated factors among Cambodian households, using primary data from a nationally representative household survey of 5000 households"
Transforming health systems financing in Lower Mekong: making sure the poor are not left behing.
"This supplement shares lessons for health financing based on the experiences of three countries in the Lower Mekong Region - Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar"

President Buhari says that 83 million poor Nigerians will benefit from the new health insurance scheme
President Muhammadu Buhari announced that, as recommended by the Lancet Nigeria Commission, a fund will be set up to ensure coverage of 83 million poor Nigerians (who cannot afford to pay premiums) in the new National Health Insurance Scheme . A statement issued by...
Equality in financial access to healthcare in Cambodia from 2004 to 2014
"Using the World Health Organization's methods for the analysis of healthcare expenditure and household survey data from 2004, 2009 and 2014 Cambodian Socio-Economic Survey, the authors assessed trends in reported illness, utilization of healthcare services and...

WEBINAR – Extending financial protection to underserved and socially excluded populations
Health inequalities are systematic differences in the health status of population groups; social factors such as education, employment status, income level, gender and ethnic origin influence an individual's health[1]. It is important to address health inequalities,...
Decomposing socio-economic inequality in catastrophic out-of-pocket health expenditures in Malawi
Socio-economic inequality in out-of-pocket health expenditures entails disparities in the burden of catastrophic health expenditures which worsens inequalities in access to and utilization of health services. Addressing the factors contributing to the inequalities is...
Examining the level and inequality in health insurance coverage in 36 sub- Saharan African countries
Many low/middle-income countries (LMICs) are increasingly prioritising UHC and reforming their health systems to accelerate progress to achieve this target. To reduce the financial burden of care and improve financial risk protection, many of these countries are...
Assessment of equity in healthcare financing in Fiji and Timor-Leste: a study protocol 2014
This document includes a protocol to assess equity in health financing and service use in Fiji and Timor-Leste that was meant to support government efforts to improve access to healthcare, moving towards universal health coverage, The specific objective of the study...

WEBINAR – Expanding Financial Protection to Underserved and Socially Excluded Populations
Health inequities are systematic differences in the health status of population groups; social factors, such as education, employment status, income level, gender, and ethnicity influence an individual’s health.[1] Addressing health inequities is important...
Integrating refugees into national health systems amid political and economic constraints in the Eastern Mediterranean: Approaches from Lebanon and Jordan
This paper explores the political economy of Lebanon and Jordan for providing social health protection to the large number of refugees that both countries host. In Lebanon, the ability of the existing health system to provide universal health coverage, even for its...
Toward Universal Coverage : Turkey’s Green Card Program for the Poor
This case study unravels Turkey's path to universal coverage. It outlines both the transformation of the health system and the performance of the 'Yesil Kart', the Green Card, program, a non-contributory health insurance scheme for the poor. As this study will show,...
Toward Universal Coverage : Turkey’s Green Card Program for the Poor
This case study unravels Turkey's path to universal coverage. It outlines both the transformation of the health system and the performance of the 'Yesil Kart', the Green Card, program, a non-contributory health insurance scheme for the poor. As this study will show,...