President Koroma launches social health insurance scheme
The president of Sierra Leone, Ernest Bai Koroma launched the Sierra Leone Social Health Insurance Scheme(SLeSHI) on Friday, 16 February. The scheme is meant to provide Universal Healthcare Coverage for all and sundry across the country. While...

Côte d’Ivoire: Towards the extension of CMU to farmers
Under the impetus of the Programme d'Appui aux Stratégies Sociales (PASS), the initiative for social protection in rural areas (iPS-MR) has set up a high-level cross-sectoral cooperation through an innovative public-private partnership involving the NOVARTIS Group....

Côte d’Ivoire: 2.5 million people to benefit from RAM
In Côte d'Ivoire, Couverture Maladie Universelle (CMU) comprises two schemes. A contributory Basic General Scheme (RGB), at 1,000 FCFA per month per person, and a non-contributory Medical Assistance Scheme (RAM) for the poor who were excluded from the health system....

Côte d’Ivoire: 2.5 million people to benefit from RAM
In Côte d'Ivoire, Couverture Maladie Universelle (CMU) comprises two schemes. A contributory Basic General Scheme (RGB), at 1,000 FCFA per month per person, and a non-contributory Medical Assistance Scheme (RAM) for the poor who were excluded from the health system....

Family members of the migrant workers to be protected under health insurance in Nepal
To enable access to health services and financial protection among family members of the Nepali migrant workers, the Health Insurance Board has begun the process to include them under the health insurance following the Health Insurance Act-2074 BS. Currently, the...

Financing Universal Health Coverage despite instability – a webinar organized by WHO and AFRAFRA
In many countries, instability is undermining the state's ability to exercise its sovereign functions and provide basic services to its population, to the point of undermining its legitimacy. These "fragile" situations raise major challenges for progress towards...

NIGER: FCFA 24.5 billion to strengthen resilience
The Minister of the Interior and Decentralization, Mr Hamadou Adamou Souley, presided over the official launch of the Niger-Chad Emergency Development Program (PDU) in Niamey on the morning of January 26. The aim of the program is to help improve living conditions and...
Equity and determinants in universal health coverage indicators in Iraq, 2000–2030: a national and subnational study
This study aims to examine inequality and determinants associated with Iraq’s progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) targets. The authors used nationally representative population-based household surveys in Iraq conducted between 2000 and 2018. The analysis...

Presenting documents on universal health coverage and the COVID 19 response in Iraq
Here’s presenting a research paper on the factors that influence financial risk protection and health services as barriers to universal health coverage for vulnerable families in Iraq. Another research article lists out the health financing challenges that Iraq faced...

Many Nigerians yet to benefit from health care provision fund
In 2014, the government of Nigeria implemented the basic health care provision fund (BHCPF) with the aim of providing adequate care and services at the primary health care (PHC) level, mostly for the vulnerable population, so as to reduce out-of-pocket expenses....
Drivers of outpatient care costs incurred by Kenyan households
An estimated 1.48 million people in Kenya are pushed into poverty every year because of out-of-pocket (OOP) and outpatient health expenses. Kenyans from poor households are the most vulnerable and experience economic hardship each time an OOP payment is necessary....
The progress in addressing financial risk in Uganda; Analysis of catastrophe and impoverishment due to health payments
In this study, the researchers monitor the progress that Uganda has made in ensuring financial risk protection to attain universal health coverage (UHC) as a signatory to the sustainable development goals. Monitoring progress towards UHC requires tracking of progress...

Kenya on course to achieving universal health coverage (UHC)
The government of Kenya announced that it is still on track to attaining UHC by 2030. During the state address in Dec, 2021, president Kenyatta urged the senate to expedite the consideration of the 2021 national hospital insurance fund (amendments) bill which was...

New documents on health financing and financial risk protection available on Uganda country page
New documents on health financing and financial risk protection have been uploaded to the documents section of the Uganda country page. The documents can be downloaded from the related documents link below