Many low-and middle-income countries (LMICs), such as Cambodia, have undertaken significant reforms in the last decade to strengthen their health care systems to improve equity and accelerate progress towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC). In this context, health...

Un revenu minimum provisoire pour protéger les plus pauvres pourrait ralentir COVID-19 (Rapport PNUD)
National Social Protection and Promotion Policy – Summary – Haiti – April 2020
Equipping the country with a National Policy for Social Protection and Promotion (PNPPS) is an important and necessary step towards achieving a lasting reduction in poverty, reducing inequalities and promoting the autonomy of Haitians. The National Social Protection...
Arrêté Politique Nationale de Protection et de Promotion Sociales (PNPPS) – Haiti – June 2020
Social Protection via One-Window Operations in Pakistan
Healthy DEvelopments currently features an account of the way the Support to Social Protection - Social Health Protection (SP-SHP) project supports Pakistan in enhancing coordination and effectiveness of existing social protection schemes - both at physical service...
Validation of a methodology to identify the poor and vulnerable
By the Ministry of Social Affairs Inspired by the Cash Transfer Program
Mali Action Plan
MAP is a necessary vision of hope and motivation for our country. It proposes a new way of coordinating efforts, players, resources and initiatives to realize the right to quality services accessible to all Malians, building on the important work developed by CREDD...
Project sheet school assur Togo
1-page presentation of the School Assur project
Towards adoption of the SNFS-Togo
This strategy follows the adoption of a new National Health Development Plan covering the period 2017-2022, which aims to consolidate the achievements of the previous plan's implementation and also take into account international guidelines, notably the ODD3. The aim...

Project ARCH in Benin: over 2,500 people already treated
The pilot phase of ARCH's health insurance component in Benin has begun and reports: https: // See also the Project report in the second half of 2019.
Health Accounts in Côte d’Ivoire – What commitments for improving Mother and Child Health? – 2015

“Intercountry Conference on P4H partnership collaboration: Health financing reforms for UHC, 19-20 June 2018, Astana, Kazakhstan”
Host: the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Co-organizers: Republican Center for Health Development of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – RCHD), and P4H– Global Network for Health Financing and Social...