Specific issues in SRMNEA-N at BF_DSF
Status of SRMNEA-N at BF_DSF
Burkina Faso: free healthcare for pregnant women and children under 5 to be extended to community level
Impact of out of pocket payments on financial risk protection indicators in a setting with no user fees: the case of Mauritius
What has been the progress in addressing financial risk in Uganda? Analysis of catastrophe and impoverishment due to health payments
The Phnom Penh Post: Bima, Smart Axiata announce expanded insurance coverage
The Phnom Penh Post, 25 February 2020: " MILVIK (Cambodia) Micro Insurance Plc, the Kingdom’s leading provider of mobile-delivered health insurance, and Smart Axiata Co Ltd, its leading mobile telecommunications operator, have announced an upgrade to the Smart Life...
Analysis of free spending
Jean-François Caremel presents the free invoices, payments, problems... and makes recommendations.
Humanitarian response plan Burkina Faso 2020
This short ppt presents humanitarian support needs in Burkina Faso, the significant increase in needs between 2019 and 2020, and the funding gap. This information is important for understanding the country's increasingly unfavorable context for structural development,...
“NSSF urged to finish new protection study”
Khmer Times, 16 January 2020: " As the deadline to expand the Kingdom’s social nettings programme is set for this year, Labour Minister Ith Samheng is urging NSSF officials to finish their study so protection can also be provided to public officials, former civil...
Sam Heng: Social security must widen to include more workers
The Phnom Penh Post, 14 January 2020: " As of last year, the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) registered more than 10,000 enterprises to cover more than 1.7 million workers under occupational risk and healthcare schemes. Minister of Labour and Vocational Training...
Khmer Times: “Tens of millions spent on healthcare”
Khmer Times, 27 December 2019: " The National Social Protection Council yesterday reported the government has spent $43.8 million to provide healthcare services to impoverished citizens and government officials this year through its Health Equity Fund. " Read more
P4HC+ Newsletter December 2019
P4HC+ Newsletter October 2019
All together now: Extending social protection in Cambodia
Until recently there was no overarching platform for coordinating social protection schemes across ministries and agencies in Cambodia. With support from Germany and the United States, the General Secretariat of the National Social Protection Council is now playing...