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Vulnerable people Archives - Page 29 of 121 - P4H Network
602 results
All together now: Extending social protection in Cambodia
All together now: Extending social protection in Cambodia

Until recently there was no overarching platform for coordinating social protection schemes across ministries and agencies in Cambodia. With support from Germany and the United States, the General Secretariat of the National Social Protection Council is now playing...

Report on free healthcare in Burkina Faso 2018
Burkina Faso

For children under 5, PECIME basket on the entire pyramid 3 appeals per year on average for children under 5 years of age 15 billion spent on children under 5 in 2017, 16 billion in 2018. Cost of Caesarean section: 2.2 billion in 2018 And even more so in the report...

Experts meet to overhaul Niger’s free healthcare system
Experts meet to overhaul Niger’s free healthcare system

The meeting of experts to overhaul Niger's free healthcare system was held today, Thursday, October 17, 2019, as planned. The experts come from Lasdel (political anthropology research center), the Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of Finance (Budget &...

Evaluation of the I3S free-of-charge project

In May 2013, France launched the Initiative Solidarité Santé Sahel1 (I3S) aimed at facilitating financial access to healthcare for children in Sahelian countries by supporting politically committed countries in setting up solidarity-based healthcare access systems. Of...

Free-of-charge mechanisms in Niger

This report gives an account of free healthcare in Niger (or exemption from payment for healthcare services). It does not go into detail about free travel for pregnant women and children under 5, which is the subject of another report, but describes all the other free...

Study on free healthcare for children under 5 and pregnant women in Niger

Niger's Ministry of Health has commissioned a WHO study "to determine the benefits of free health care and other insurance mechanisms with a view to setting up Universal Health Coverage in Niger". The ToR for the study stipulates that it will be carried out by a...

P4HC+ Newsletter 1.1 (Oct 2016)

Welcome to the first newsletter, the new communication and information sharing tool within the network. The purpose of the newsletter is to inform the schedule of regular and specially convened meetings and to share any updates from the P4HC+secretariat and...