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Vulnerable people Archives - Page 34 of 116 - P4H Network
576 results
From global pollution to household pollution in Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso

In this series of slides, the funding policy advisor for the CSU WHO-IST/WA has put together information and links to help understand the phenomenon of domestic pollution, particularly in Burkina Faso. Until we tackle the problem head-on, for the health of the...

Proposed multi-sector strategic plan to combat malnutrition and its cost
Proposed multi-sector strategic plan to combat malnutrition and its cost
Burkina Faso

A consultant has been appointed by the authorities and has submitted his report. With 16 project sheets and a costing per project, the fight against malnutrition has a very clear basic proposal for the organization of the round table to finance its multi-sector...

Sharing information: pollution in the home – focus on Burkina Faso
Sharing information: pollution in the home – focus on Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso

Household Air Pollution (HAR) is an incredible phenomenon for those unfamiliar with it. A problem of unimaginable proportions, a problem that is largely unknown, and a problem that certainly doesn't get the attention it deserves. Maybe because it's sneaky (it kills...

Burkina Faso

General objective Draw up an assessment of the implementation of free healthcare measures in all health facilities. Specific objectives Review implementation of recommendations from last meeting, Discuss trends in key monitoring indicators, Present the results of...

Burkina Faso

Pursuant to Decree No. 2016-311/PRES/PM/MS/MATDSI/MINEFID of April 29, 2016, free healthcare measures are now being implemented in all public health facilities and some private healthcare structures in Burkina Faso. An integral part of the success of the free travel...