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Vulnerable people Archives - Page 35 of 116 - P4H Network
576 results
Khmer Times: Free state healthcare extended
Khmer Times: Free state healthcare extended

Khmer Times, January 3, 2018: "The Health Minister has ordered civil servants to prioritise the implementation of new social security services for public officials, former government workers and veterans, which came into force at the start of this year. Mam Bun Heng...

UNDG Asia-Pacific Social Protection Issues Brief

Short description This tool provides United Nations Country Teams (UNCTs) in Asia and the Pacific region and the United Nations Development Group Asia-Pacific with (i) a common UN position on social (health) protection; (ii) a brief overview of social (health)...

Inter-ministerial prakas (No. 404LV/PrK.NSSF)

Inter-ministerial Prakas on the Implementation of Health Care Scheme Through Health Equity Fund System for Informal Workers and Provision of Additional Allowance for Female Workers upon Birth Delivery