The Phnom Penh Post, 15 January 2018: "Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday announced plans to form a second foundation to raise funds to keep the Kantha Bopha children’s hospitals afloat, though with the government poised to take over management of the hospitals, one...
Khmer Times: Free state healthcare extended
Khmer Times, January 3, 2018: "The Health Minister has ordered civil servants to prioritise the implementation of new social security services for public officials, former government workers and veterans, which came into force at the start of this year. Mam Bun Heng...
IeDA: A global approach for a better application of IMCI
UNDG Asia-Pacific Social Protection Issues Brief
Short description This tool provides United Nations Country Teams (UNCTs) in Asia and the Pacific region and the United Nations Development Group Asia-Pacific with (i) a common UN position on social (health) protection; (ii) a brief overview of social (health)...
Burkina Faso gratuity decree July 2016
Exemption from payment for health care, universal health coverage in Africa and proportionate universalism
Valery Ridde's presentation at "acualités du PHARO".
Inter-ministerial prakas (No. 404LV/PrK.NSSF)
Inter-ministerial Prakas on the Implementation of Health Care Scheme Through Health Equity Fund System for Informal Workers and Provision of Additional Allowance for Female Workers upon Birth Delivery
Notification on Registration of the Informal Workers (No. 307 LV/N.NSSF)
Estimating the cost of HIV/AIDS and TB services at health facilities in Cambodia—by HFG (USAID)
Implementation of the free maternity services policy and its implications for health system governance in Kenya
Implementation of the free maternity services policy and its implications for health system governance in Kenya
To move towards universal health coverage, the government of Kenya introduced free maternity services in all public health facilities in June 2013. User fees are, however, important sources of income for health facilities and their removal has implications for the way...