Report on the workshop to validate the monitoring and evaluation indicators for the health care of the extremely poor
From Thursday August 17 to Friday August 18, 2017, was held in the conference room of the Hotel la Princesse in Bohicon, the validation workshop of indicators and tools for monitoring-evaluation of health care of the extreme poor and other beneficiaries of...
Sharing of two ANCRE project documents on the private health sector in Benin
Advancing Newborn, Child and Reproductive Health, funded by USAID and implemented by URC
EU-SPS-OECD mission in Zambia
The EU-SPS-OECD mission, in collaboration with the ILO and supported by the P4H is meeting MoH and key partners to identify analysis required to further inform extension of SHI coverage to workers in the informal economy. The expected outcome of the mission is the...
Tripartite consultative Labour Council (TCLC)
The tripartite constituents convene in three consecutive TCLC meetings to consult on the proposed Social Protection Bill. The Social Protection Bill introduces the establishment of an integrated institutional framework for Social Protection. In line with the National...
Publication of studies on Extension of social health protection to workers in the informal economy
The study explores the possible strategies to expand Social Protection to small scale farmers, domestic workers and construction workers as well as the requirements for SHI scheme design adjustments to fit the income patterns and employment arrangements which prevail...
Prime Minister promises health allowance for each newborn (The Phnom Penh Post – local news)
The Phnom Penh Post: Prime Minister Hun Sen promised to pay female garment workers $100 for each newborn child on his latest factory tour visit, adding to an already growing list of pledges, with the premier saying some of it would come out of his own pocket. Read more
BM – ARCH report – final assignment 17082017
“Aide-mémoire of World Bank mission on ARCH, Benin August 2017”.
As part of technical assistance to support the implementation of the Insurance for Human Capital Strengthening (ARCH) Project, a World Bank mission in charge of the health and social protection sectors visited Benin from June 19 to 23, 2017. Read the mission report...
The National Social Protection Policy Framework 2016-2025
"The National Social Protection Policy Framework is a national policy framework and a long term roadmap for the social protection system development in Cambodia. Activities and subordinated activities are presented in sequential order, together with monitoring and...
Project sheet ARCH 17-04-10 BAI
Assurance pour le Renforcement du Capital Humain (ARCH) Benin
Guide to targeting the poorest households
Benin's Comité Socle de Protection Sociale, with support from the WB, is distributing its guide to targeting Benin's poorest households. 2014_05_Comite_SPS_Benin-GUIDE_CIBLAGE_MENAGES_PLUS_PAUVRES_final
Lancement officiel du RAMU – Decembre 2011
Le 19 décembre 2011, le Président de la République lance officiellement le RAMU et promet de faire de la couverture universelle en santé une réalité pour ses concitoyens. 2011_12_19_WHO_Benin-Lancement_RAMU
Establishment of a consultation framework between the MFPTSS and the MS on universal health insurance and related topics – May 21, 2014
At a workshop held in Koudougou from May 21 to 24, 2014, the Ministries of the Civil Service, Labor and Social Security (MFPTSS) and Health (MS) identified the themes (both strategic, technical and operational) that would be the subject of regular exchanges and...