Preparations for the implementation of free access measures in Burkina Faso are carried out transparently. Here we share technical documents and an update from the PTF Santé meeting. - Tools and procedures developed by the Ministry of Health: EDC training - Risk...
Report of the workshop on recent payment exemption measures
FREE BILAN WORKSHOP REPORT DEC 2016 VF Where we see the skills and transparency efforts of Burkina's Ministry of Health, as well as a certain level of mastery of the devices. The issues of illicit practices and drug availability remain challenges.
GIZ informs P4H partners regarding Cameroon plans – July 2012
The German technical cooperation (GIZ) informs P4H partners of its plan to support a multi-stakeholder workshop on the role of community-based health insurance (CBHI) in the transition to universal health coverage (UHC) in Cameroon, and invites the Ministry of Health,...
WHO support mission on financing HIV treatment with ARVs – March 2013
WHO recommends setting up a multi-donor consultation platform to define a health financing strategy. See section 63 of the report below. 2013_05_29_Jean_Ette-CAMEROUN-NOTE-TECHNIQUE-MISSION-APPUI-CONCERTATION-NATIONALE-SOUTENABILITE-FINANCEMENT-ARV
National health insurance scheme starts paying hospital bills – March 2012
The national health insurance scheme, (Institut National d'Assurance Maladie - INAM) starts to pay for the health services included in its benefit package. Available only to Togolese civil servants during the first phase of deployment – extension to the informal...
Creation of the Comité National de Promotion de la Protection Sociale (CNPPS) – October 18
The MTESS decides to create the CNPPS. 2013_10_18_MTESS_Togo-Decree_national_promotion_social_protection_committee
The government of Burkina Faso adopts its national social protection policy – September 24, 2012
Transmission of a joint opinion from health TFPs on exemption from payment for care for under-5s
The WHO representation in Burkina Faso sends the Minister of Health a joint letter from all the health PTFs concerning the strategy of exemption from payment for care for children under 5. 2013_12_13_OMS_Burkina-Lettre_PTF_sur_exemption_paiement_moins5ans...
Second meeting of the “financial access to healthcare” TFP group – June 12, 2014
The meeting focused on discussions concerning the implementation of the exemption from payment for care for children under 5 and its future articulation with RAMU-BF. 2014_06_12_Exemption_paiement_presentation_ONG...
Adoption of the RAMU-Burkina Faso bill by the Council of Ministers – April 9, 2014
The Council of Ministers adopts the RAMU-BF bill on April 9, 2014. This bill aims to put in place the legal framework needed to operationalize health insurance in Burkina Faso, extend social protection and promote people's access to healthcare....
Workshop on the UHIP care basket, its cost and financing
PRESENTATION BASKET CHOICE WORKSHOP Summary of the AMU workshop of June 9 and 10, 2015 - AB On June 9 and 10, 2015, a workshop was held in Ouagadougou on the RAMU-BF care basket, its cost and financing. Significant consensus has been reached. All the...
Le Projet de loi portant régime d’assurance maladie a été adopté par le CNT
Le Projet de loi portant régime d'assurance maladie a été adopté par le CNT (Assemblée Nationale de Transition). Ici : le Ministre de la Fonction Publique, du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale Santé (1er en partant de la droite), le Ministre de la Santé (second en...
In Burkina Faso, the Council of Ministers has decided to introduce measures to encourage free travel.
Extract from the minutes of the Council of Ministers of March 2, 2016: "In the area of maternal and child health, the Council has decided on the following appropriate measures, which will be implemented from April 02, 2016. These are: free breast and cervical cancer...